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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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over to a patch of shade and plopped down. His tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth. Drool ended up everywhere.
    "You say you're sorry a lot." Alec closed the gate, then crept around the truck. He still had the folders in his hand. I stand six feet tall, same as Alec, but I swear I felt so small. I backed away from him. I wanted to lie and say he didn't scare me. Honestly, he didn't, but the fear that he'd ultimately reject me sunk into my bones. We hadn't spent decent time together since high school, had only talked since then for a little more than an hour, yet Alec still knew me better than anyone else.
    "You're a very handsome man." He placed the folders on the hood of the truck and braced his arms on either side of my waist. The heat from his body radiated onto my skin. I smelled the mint on his breath and the hint of musk in his cologne. "And you don't need to apologize. I'm not the guy who shafted you. Don't want to be."
    I drew a long breath into my lungs and prayed my erection hadn't stabbed him in the thigh. "Aren't you worried your neighbors will see us?" I had to say something. "Or your clients will think bad about you?"
    "I live in a pink house with neighbors who are just as eccentric. I don't give a shit what they think even if they are watching. And my clients? They're clients, no more, right now, no less." He leaned in close enough I saw the brown flecks in his green eyes. "Carson?"
    "Yeah?" My tongue felt fifteen sizes too big. "That's me."
    "Please tell me you're gay and I'm not making a horse's ass of myself." The lines around his eyes deepened and creases formed on his forehead. "Please?"
    He was worried?
    "I wanted to ask you out so many times." He gripped my belt. "Don't push me away."
    Push him away? Not hardly. I inched forward and planted my lips on his. His beard itched my cheeks, but I didn't mind. I liked the scruff. I threaded my fingers into his belt loop and pulled him flush against me. Alec ground his hips into mine. I couldn't help but moan and when I did, he thrust his tongue into my mouth. I moaned again and suckled on his tongue. Despite the jeans covering my cock, I felt his dick move. My head swam. He tasted every bit as sexy as I'd imagined.
    Alec broke the kiss first and gazed at me through heavy-lidded eyes. "You've got to come in. Now." He grabbed the folders without looking and yanked me into the yard.
    I felt the breeze move around me, smelled the lilacs that lined the house, but all I saw was Alec. Had someone told me when I was in school, I'd be in his hands and ready to fuck in the middle of his rented front lawn... I'd have died. Now, the exact situation seemed right.
    "Want to fuck you senseless," Alec murmured. He closed the gate and retrieved his coat. "Then start again."
    I nodded. Fucking. Yes. I wanted to. A lot. God, he frazzled my brain. Dragon trotted beside me as I followed Alec hand in hand into the Pepto Bismol colored house. The outside of the dwelling might have looked like gum exploded all over hell, but the inside? Functional contemporary furniture in blonde wood with sparkly steel insets. A wrought iron coffee table scattered with veterinary magazines. The guy had taste.
    "I might still be a nerd, but I've developed class." Alec tossed the jacket onto the couch and left the folders on the table. He toed off his loafers, so I followed in kind and kicked out of mine. He winked, then captured me in his arms. "I've wanted this for so long."
    I grunted as my back slammed into the plasterboard. His pelvis ground against mine and his lips moved over my mouth. Here I'd been admiring the furniture and he'd been admiring me. Holy shit. His teeth scraped across my bottom lip. I thrust my fingers into his hair and moved on instinct. My baser needs were to have him on more than my lips. I wanted his mouth wrapped around my cock.
    Alec yanked my shirt up and nibbled my pecs. Each bite, each lick sent me closer to the edge. My brain cells buzzed as I yanked my shirt up over my head and tossed the garment across the room. My dick? I'm pretty sure it could've busted straight through my jeans and he hadn't even touched it yet. He raked his fingernails across my nipples.
    "I like how they stand up for me," he purred.
    I moved my hands from his hair to his shoulders and gave him a nudge. The chill of the wall surged across my back.
    "Needy." He snickered. "I love it." Alec dropped to one knee and stared up at me as he licked his lips and unbuttoned my fly.
    I leaned

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