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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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person in a long time. I like it."
    "I like you," I blurted out. Oh fucking blue balls. My cheeks heated and I wanted to hide behind Drag. I mean, hell, I hardly knew Alec anymore. He looked refined and I felt like a bumpkin with no tact. "I mean...I'll be finding a new vet because I just stuck my foot in my mouth up to my hip."
    Alec threw his head back and laughed. "From the women who come in here, I'd probably be insulted and annoyed. With you—I'm intrigued." He smothered his chuckles behind his hand and handed me a business card. "Make an appointment."
    Before I could say anything else likely to get me arrested, he walked out of the examination room. I looked down at the card. He'd scrawled his phone number on the back. Cute.
    I clicked the leash on Drag's collar and hefted him onto the floor. He didn't weigh as much as the last time I had him in my arms. "Did Leon feed you?"
    Dragon growled. I took it as a sign he didn't want to talk about Leon either. Worked for me. I led Dragon to the receptionist's desk. "I'd like to set up a well dog visit or whatever they're called. It's been a while since I've had to do this."
    "A checkup?" she replied.
    "Yes." I hated being embarrassed and now I'd managed to look ridiculous in front of two people. "I'd appreciate it."
    "How about next week? I have an opening at noon on Wednesday." She handed me a clip board. "Fill this out so I can have you in the computer and ready to go."
    "Sure." I took the papers and began giving away my personal information. I had the final sheet nearly done when I noticed another set of feet beside mine. I jerked and stepped sideways.
    "I never got a chance to give you his rundown." Alec grinned. "Since the waiting room is empty, I'll just tell you now. No worms, no fleas, but I'd give him a bath. The weight loss helped but I'd also suggest getting Dragon on a tooth brushing regimen. He's been eating things he probably shouldn't that did a number on his gums. I ran a heartworm test which was negative and I've given him a pill for this month. When you come in next we'll set you up right. Call, okay?" He winked and walked back into the closest exam room.
    We'll set me up? Call? He wanted me to call him? I hadn't heard those terms in such a long time. Maybe my assumption more than fifteen years before had been more on the money than I thought. I shrugged him off back then. I could be over-thinking. Again.
    I looked down at Dragon, who was sprawled on his side on the floor. He gazed up at me with his droopy eyes and his tongue sticking out of his mouth. At least I had him back. What I'd do about my overzealous crush on the vet and his advances, well I hadn't figured that out yet. I stress yet .
    I forgot how much fun it is to have a dog in the house. The barking, the howling, the visits to the potty at four in the morning, not to mention the constant in and out. Oh and did I mention his tendency to tip over paint thinner cans I didn't know were open? Yeah. Each can has an in visible bulls eye on it just begging Dragon to tip it over. Good thing I painted in the sun room with the concrete floors. Easy clean up.
    As much as Dragon drove me nuts that first week, I did have him for company. Drooly, stinky dog company...but beggars can't be choosers.
    I raked my fingers through my hair as I considered his latest disaster. He'd shredded a roll of toilet paper—all over the living room floor—and proceeded to roll in the remnants. Cleaning up the mess wouldn't be difficult. Just a pain.
    I swore he lived to drive me berserk. Good thing I loved him or I'd have lost my mind.
    I grabbed the waste bin and started picking up the hunks of torn paper when my phone rang. I didn't recognize the tone, so I let it go. The person could leave me a voice mail. Whatever. Once I had the toilet paper disaster picked up, I checked the number. I didn't know anyone with the 555 area code. The icon for a voice mail flashed so I pressed the numbers to retrieve the message.
    No words, just heavy breathing, like the person either had emphysema or was in the middle of one-handed dialing.
    A shiver ran up my spine and I disconnected the call. The only person I knew who called and breathed into the phone didn't want to talk to me. I shook my head. Probably a wrong number.
    I glanced at the clock on my phone. Crap. If I didn't get moving, I'd be late for Dragon's follow-up exam.
    I'm not sure how I did it, but I managed to get to the clinic in time. Even wore a clean shirt and

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