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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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his dress shirt open, spraying buttons across the bed of my Chevy. The pings echoed off the thick plastic bed liner. I raked my fingers up and down his chest, delighting in the ripples. A thin vee of hair sprinkled between his pecs and tapered to his belly button.
    "You have an outie and a piercing," I blurted and touched the golden barbell piercing traversing his navel. "Cool." Geez. Even in a daydream I couldn't help but say the first thing on my mind.
    "You like it." He braced himself on his hands and lowered his lips to mine. He rolled his hips, grinding his cock into my groin.
    I groaned. Fine chocolate and the best wine rolled into one taste—him. Then there was the sensation of two cocks battling. Holy shit. I bit and nipped my way from his mouth to his chin and neck. I could get lost in him for a long, long time. I needed to feel his cock in my ass...now.
    I massaged my cock through my pants. Despite my daydreaming, I heard voices. Fuck. Voices meant people and people meant someone would see me with my damned hard on. Double fuck. I opened my eyes and sat up, then glanced at my watch. 4:15. Shit.
    "Dragon, we have to go." And pray that both Alec wasn't running ahead of schedule and I could get rid of my tent pole. To add stress to the already ragged moment, my phone rang again. This time it wasn't a call, but a text. Swell. I'd read it when I got to the truck.
    Getting Dragon moving after a nap took some doing, but the squeals of the kids playing in the park area helped. He loved to investigate new places and if he got petted by little sandy, sticky hands, all the better. Yes, my dog is an attention whore.
    I got him into the truck and pressed the buttons to retrieve the text.
    "I miss u."
    Shit. I pinched the bridge of my nose. Of all the people to text me, I had to hear from Leon. He missed me. The damn married fool was probably drunk. The last time he claimed to need me, he'd been sitting outside the Lampoon Bar at last call. Yeah, I ranked so high with him.
    Fuck it. I didn't have time for his drama. He married someone else and good for him. I tossed the phone into the glove box and sped toward the office. The collection of cars filling the lot had dwindled down to two. I tapped the steering wheel. Go in and ask for him? Wait in the parking lot? God knew I should've looked to see where Alec came from earlier.
    I rested my head on the headrest and counted to ten. If I didn't calm down, I'd blow everything and wuss out. Besides the stupid text from Leon, I already had the hard-on and a head full of dirty thoughts... I didn't need help to embarrass myself.
    Fucking low self confidence anyway.
    Dragon barked. At the top of his bulldog lungs, he barked. I turned my attention to the direction of his noise. Alec. He strolled casually out of the office, coat slung over one arm and a collection of file folders in his free hand. The sun glinted off the thick watchband encircling his tanned wrist. He grinned and my heart melted. I barely knew the matured Alec and there I went, falling head of heels in dreams and out. Geez.
    "Scoot over handsome." Alec patted Dragon through the open passenger side window. "Scoot so I can sit down."
    Although Dragon took his sweet time to finally move, Alec simply stood and laughed.
    "You devil. Have to be the center of attention, don't you?" He fumbled with the door handle, so I reached across. "You've trained your human well." Alec placed the folders on the dash and slid into the seat. "Thanks."
    Dragon sat between us, tongue out and drool all over everywhere.
    Alec winked. "Funny seeing you here. You're red. Were you tanning? Or just like the look of toasty skin?"
    "I took Dragon to the dog park. We stopped and I fell asleep." I wanted to look in the rearview mirror so bad. Nothing felt hot like I'd burned my cheeks, but stranger things were known to happen. I glanced at myself through my peripheral vision. Nope. Not sunburned. God, he had me blushing like I'd burned myself though.
    "Good. I like a man who isn't afraid of the sun and hard work." He patted my thigh and rational thought left my brain. Damn, I wanted to recreate my daydream. Right there. Damn sex drive ruling my body. I scrubbed my forehead with the back of my hand to say something that didn't concern sex.
    "Do you have to move your car?" Wow, that sounded so intelligent. I stared at the dirt on my dashboard. "I should shut up and let you drive," I said under my breath. I cleared my throat and spoke at a normal

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