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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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jeans without holes. I prided myself on looking good for a change. I prepped myself to see Alec again. This time I wasn't going to try so hard or let my mouth control my brain. I'd be cool and sophisticated and explain I was scared shitless to call him.
    A lady vet strolled into the room. "Good afternoon."
    "Where's Dr. Niemi?"
    "You were expecting Dr. Alec?" She flipped the pages on Drag's chart. "You smell like cologne. The only ones who come in here smelling like they walked out of the mall are the women who want to date him and the men trying to date the women chasing Alec."
    "Are you sure you should be talking about him like that?" Her rant did sound unprofessional. Then again, my retort wasn't real mature. "I mean, Dr. Niemi."
    "When you've known someone since you were both twelve and you know you have no chance with him but he's still nice to you, you can say whatever your heart desires. Smile for me, Dragon." She checked his teeth and listened to his heartbeat. "Strong. Good."
    The rest of the exam went by in a blur. Might have been because I wanted to see Alec. Or it could've been my disinterest in the lady vet. I accepted her suggestion for heartworm pills, then paid for the visit. That was another thing I'd forgotten about pets. They could be pricey.
    Drag and I strolled out of the office to the truck. I'd always loved the low riding qualities of the compact truck, but after watching Drag jump into the cab, I thanked my lucky stars I hadn't gone with the one ton like I wanted. He'd never make it up onto the seat even with the tricked out nerf bars I wanted.
    A car whizzed past us, but I paid it little attention. I still wasn't happy I hadn't been able to see Alec. I'd actually have to buck up and call the guy. Geez.
    "That's one sweet ride."
    I knew the voice and knocked skulls with Dragon.
    "Better watch him. He's dangerous." Alec reached through the truck window and scratched Dragon's head. "And keep Dragon in line, too."
    Alec's laugh trickled down my spine like cool water on a hot day. I stared at him. What was I supposed to do? There he was in a crisp button down, jeans and loafers. The guy oozed classy sex appeal. I hadn't had any in a long time. That had to be the reason I acted like a moron in front of him. Had to be.
    "I'm glad I caught you." Alec squatted down beside the truck and rested his chin on his forearms. "It's not real professional, but I'm not one for rules. Want to go out for a beer? I'm done for the day in about an hour."
    "What about the chick in the office?" I was treading on thin ice. If my gaydar was off, I'd look downright ridiculous. If it wasn't, I'd need to find a new vet before I embarrassed myself by coming on to him if he wasn't interested.
    "Peeta? She's my fill-in. She comes to help out when I have a conference or have to make house calls. Kinda nice. I know the place will still be standing and the emergency cases will be taken care of." He shrugged. "We have a good thing going."
    He had me up until the last line. Confusion filled my brain. I rubbed the patch of Dragon's chest right below his collar. "She'll want you home. Not hanging out with me and Dragon." I faked a hearty chuckle. "We'll get you into trouble."
    "Nah." He resumed scratching behind Dragon's ears. "She's not my type."
    Although I felt a little strong about my gut instincts, I remembered what Peeta had said right before the exam. I wanted—no, I needed--to be sure. "You like a double D? Or are you more for a C cup?"
    "Oh for Christ sakes, Carson." Alec drew his hand back and growled. "I'm gay. Knew I was when I turned fifteen. The only reason I didn't come out in high school was those jocks you called friends would've kicked my ass. Everyone knew. I thought you did, too."
    "Oh." At least I got my answer. Things made so much more sense. The looks, the comments and the niggling feeling in my belly. I wish I'd acted on my attraction to him. Would've saved me a lot of trouble with Leon.
    "Yeah, oh." He shook his head. "And here I thought I was doing a pretty stealthy job of asking you out. Not hardly. You never called. Does this have to do with high school? I was gay, sure, but I was also scared to death you'd turn me down flat."
    He was scared I'd turn him down? Yet another bombshell I never saw coming. Geez. "Would it be too late to say yes?" I felt stupid and lower than the sewer pipes. He'd been blunt with me and I still couldn't trust my gut. "Without getting dramatic, I've had one hell of a year and my

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