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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
Vom Netzwerk:
Jared couldn't make sense to her words. He hated the music as much as the scene. He hated the bass, the chaotic noise that was created by dozens of people talking and shouting at the same time. He hated the smell of cigarette, booze, sweat and perfume, all mixed together and filling his nostrils. Shit, he hated all of it. And what he came here for was somewhere in the middle of it all.
    Lynn came closer and wrapped her slender arm around him and for a while Jared had to remind himself that this was Casey's friend and therefore someone he probably shouldn't throw of him just because of a familiar gesture. She kept talking, shouting, but her words got turned into an indecipherable mess when she led them further into the room. Jared felt people pushing, bodies twisting around them, and the further they went, the more anxious he got.
    Fuck this , he thought to himself, getting ready to drop her off and walk out without Casey, when his eyes found a scene next to the bar.
    There was really nothing out of the ordinary going on. Men and women, talking and laughing; drinks in their hands, smoke swirling from cigarettes, beautiful bodies pressed against one another, lips meeting and hands touching. But it was that one spot in that row of people next to the bar, the one without the kissing and intimate touching, that caught his eye.
    Two men leaning close to each other, one slightly taller than the other. One of the men heavily built and the other lean and athletic. Jared recognized the shape of that body even while it was covered with designer jeans and a white buttoned down shirt. Casey was facing the other man, their heads almost pressed together. Probably close to each other just to hear what was being said, but all reasoning aside, Jared wasn't all that willing to have Casey that close to anyone. Well… anyone other than him.
    He made his way closer and Lynn did her best to tag along, but somewhere along the way she was cut off and Jared didn't really give a shit if he was being impolite or not. He had his eyes on that pair and the closer he got, the more he saw. Casey had a drink in his hand, half finished, and he was leaning against the bar with his arm against the counter. The fucker– Jared figured it was the easiest way to indicate that whoever was now seriously trespassing through Jared's territory– had his hand on Casey's arm, just above Casey's wrist, fingers tapping against the white fabric, almost touching the back of Casey's hand.
    Yes… definitely trespassing.
    Jared kept his eyes on the fucker when he closed the distance, making sure the guy knew who he was coming for, and slammed his hand on Casey's shoulder, hard enough to break the connection between those two, but definitely not as hard as he'd wanted to. Casey turned his head; quickly making notice to who it was now next to him, but Jared spoke before Casey even got his mouth open.
    "Sorry I'm late." His voice was loud enough for the fucker to hear him, and the tone of his voice was clear enough to make it obvious for both of them that he actually wasn't sorry. Just, late.
    "What are you doing here?"
    "Oh… did I interrupt something?" Jared asked, still looking at the guy standing opposite of him but turned his eyes on Casey when he felt his hand getting shrugged off. Casey was clearly not happy.
    Actually, Jared had never seen Casey angry before. Oh no, Casey was always mellow and cooperative, up for anything, all yes-please-do-me, but he was pissed now. Those brown eyes were narrowed with anger and his whole posture was stiff and evasive. He tossed the drink on the counter and turned towards the fucker to say something, but again Jared cut in. He placed his hand on Casey's arm in a gentle and familiar manner but he made sure Casey felt his grip when he pulled Casey further from the bar.
    "Yeah… hate to be the party-pooper, but we're leaving. Aren't we, dear ?" he asked and he didn't even bother to put any warmth in his words. The fucker stood up straight, evidently a lot more than slightly taller than Casey; but Jared was pretty much on the same level, and he didn't flinch when the guy took a step closer.
    "You might wanna let go of him."
    "You might wanna get off of him. This won't be your fuck for the evening, so just troll along and get gone."
    Jared felt Casey twitch next to him, but instead of letting go, he squeezed a little harder. Apparently he was stirring up some alpha-male appearance in the fucker, because suddenly they were toe to

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