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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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He thrust into Bobby. He looked at Sam, and that insanity was in his eyes again. "They're all going to die, Sam. Every last one of them. Do you hear me? All of them."
    Sam couldn't bear to think about Oberon's treatment. Had he really been so impressionable, so naïve to think prisoners in this place would be treated with some measure of humanity? How could he have been so wrong?
    "Never again," he said to Oberon. Bobby worked very hard to keep Sam hard. But he couldn't ignore Oberon. His pain was Sam's as well.
    "Pleasure, darling," Oberon said with his lightning swift change of mood. "And Bobby certainly is an automaton created for that, isn't he? Oh, yes." He thrust in, burying himself as he came. He yelled as his climax overtook him. He stiffened, grunted, threw back his head. "I've come, you bastard! Do you see how you haven't totally destroyed me yet? And you never will."
    Sam didn't think he'd ever seen Oberon look quite so beautiful, so fully filling his own skin, as he looked right now. Wild, passionate, breathtaking. Arousing in his sexual triumph.
    Bobby's sucking finished him and he pulsed, loving these men with his every breath. Embracing them, stuffing down his morality, his ethics, his duty. He would do anything for Oberon. Anything to end his torture in this chamber of tortures. And to that he was committed.
    Oberon, still embedded inside Bobby, leaned over his back. His eyes were fastened on Sam. "Did he finish?"
    Sam glanced up at the peephole, noting it was now closed and locked shut. "He's gone."
    A slow grin spread across Oberon's face. "He finished. Now he'll go dope himself up quite adequately. By morning he'll be lucky if he has half a mind left. It will be easy."
    "You know him so well?"
    A dark look passed across Oberon's face. "Intimately." Again that mercurial change of mood. He petted Bobby's silky hair. "How do you ejaculate? Show me. Each of us must spend— to celebrate."
    Sam eased back and sat on his haunches, his cock softened, his mood mellowed.
    "He has a switch located just below his testicles."
    Oberon reached down. He stroked over Bobby's erect cock. "Does he ever deflate?"
    "There's another button for that, located at the base of his cock to— to drain the fluid into a small circulating chamber."
    "Quite lovely. We'll have to make another of him one day."
    The thought sent Sam into a swift sadness. "I think he is one of a kind, Oberon. There will be no other like Bobby."
    Oberon glanced up at Sam. "You've become attached to him. I should have foreseen that. He's not human, Sam. He's a means to an end. You knew that from the beginning. He understands his situation— I hope you're not having regrets." He found the button and Bobby's eyes closed, his cock spurted a thick, white liquid onto the floor. His taught reactions gave him the look of a man filled with the intensity of climax. God, he was perfect.
    When he was finished, Oberon pulled free. "It was worth waiting for," Oberon observed as he leaned back against the leg of a table. Bobby opened a panel in his arm and lifted out a cigar, a pair of clippers, and a sterling silver match safe. He clipped the end and handed the cigar to Oberon. Oberon brought it to his nose and inhaled deeply. "Ah, it's been a long time. Bobby is a wealth of surprises."
    "He is indeed." Sam shook his head when Bobby proffered him a cigar. Then Bobby turned to light Oberon's cigar.
    "What am I to you, Oberon?" Sam suddenly blurted out.
    Oberon cocked his head. "I don't take your meaning, love."
    "If Bobby is simply a means to an end, what am I?"
    Oberon eyed him closely as he puffed on his cigar. "I would have thought you would have understood." Oberon crawled across the floor to Sam. He hugged him close with his one free arm. "You are the heart and soul I need to survive. You, love, are my conscience." He tilted Sam's head upward. "You are the foil that not only makes Bobby real, but me as well. You are as necessary to me as breathing." And then Oberon kissed him. Not with the violence of his incarceration, but with a sensuality that took Sam's breath away, drawing all the love Sam felt for this unusual, insane man to the forefront.
    Yes, he would do anything for him, he thought as he leaned into the kiss. Even sacrifice Bobby.
    It was not a night that any of them would get rest. Factoring in that the guard should be in a deep opiate stupor, the three began to discuss the next part of the plan. After eating the sparse contents of a

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