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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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weaving slightly, and there was a dazed grin on his face.
    "Conjugal is over, Constable. Time for you and your boy there to leave."
    This was it. Sam leaned up and kissed the side of the leathery red mask.
    "What's he wearing?" the guard asked suspiciously.
    Sam adjusted the oxygen hoses. "A birthday gift. He is disturbed about the conclusion of our visit. Wouldn't you be upset in knowing you wouldn't see your husband again for another three months?"
    The guard snickered. "Don't got no husband to worry. Just me wife. And she'd sure welcome not seeing me for three months or better."
    Sam ignored him and moved to Oberon. "We'd best go. Are you ready… Bobby? You've collected all your belongings?"
    "Yes… sir," Oberon said.
    "Remember," Sam said softly, for Oberon's ears only, "one step behind, no emotion, and don't speak." He turned to the guard. "Then I guess we are ready to go," he said in a more normal tone. He moved toward the door. He dared not look back, and assumed Oberon followed close behind. His heart hammered. These next moments would be pivotal to the plan. He stepped through the doorway. He stopped when he heard the heavy door close with a loud grinding of metal and the wheel was spun by the guard, sealing it shut.
    He spun around, stared at the door, took a half step toward it. But Oberon's staying hand halted him. He transferred the look to Oberon, who gazed back at him with a narrowed focused look and a slight shake of his head. Sam took a deep breath and then released it, which helped to steady him. He waited for the guard.
    "Dr. Rustenberg isn't feeling quite hisself. Said no exit interview was necessary— that he'd see you in three. If you want to bring the boy back in with you, double the arrangements. If you know what he means."
    Sam nodded. "Yes, I understand."
    The guard leered at Bobby. "Looked to me it might be worth it to bring him." He snickered. Then turned away as he led them along the winding, circuitous dark passageways toward the elevators. "As usual you'll get off mid-level for equalizing for several hours, then on up to the surface. It always takes some, don't it, when daylight hits you after being down here. It's a whole other world."
    "Yes, it is," Sam said, not really wanting to converse with the guard. He reached into his pocket for the ball of dope. The last one, as a tip to the guard for adhering to his requests. And a way of making sure he didn't look too closely at Oberon as they departed. He couldn't help worrying about Bobby. Automaton he might be, but he had been Sam's companion in every way for the last few years. He couldn't be expected just to put him out of his mind. Oberon couldn't understand; in his scientific mind, Bobby was a means to an end— a machine–a tool to be used for expediency. But Sam saw more— to Sam, Bobby couldn't be more human. Maybe even more so than Oberon in many ways.
    They finally made it to the elevator. The guard wound the doors open. Sam turned to the guard and handed him the dope as he shook his hand. "Thank you for your consideration." The words burned like acid in Sam's throat and chest. "There will, of course, be more upon my next visit."
    The guard pocketed the dope and grinned widely. "Much appreciated, Constable. Any time I can be of help. You and the boy here are sure welcome." The grin turned to a leer. "And don't you worry, next conjugal the doctor will be right ready for you, if you know what I mean. You was given proper satisfaction this time— I wouldn't want to think we'd not done our job properly in preparing him for your conjugal."
    "No-no, he was… very satisfactory. Everything was… satisfactory. The-the basket of food was a-a nice touch."
    The guard winked. "You did say it was a celebration of sorts. Always like to add a touch to the occasion for the boys, you know."
    "You-you did well. Good-bye then." Quickly he stepped into the elevator, and Oberon followed. The guard peered at them both then nodded. He turned to wind the door shut. And then the elevator began to lift toward the surface.
    Sam lifted a hand. "No, not yet. Not until we actually reach the surface. It's not safe yet." It seemed a long time before they reached equalization level. Sam's ears popped, his head felt like it was going to explode. He imagined it must be significantly worse for Oberon, who had not been to the surface in five years. He glanced at him, saw a sickly pallor spread across his expression. For one moment Sam thought he

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