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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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that lack of emotion that allowed him to do so.
    Sam looked into his eyes. Yes, there was clarity there– a beautiful clarity. Sam cupped his face. "The world has abused you, Oberon, haven't they? You do need protecting. This place has changed you. Even if I didn't love you, I couldn't leave you here. Not one moment more." Something inside him shuddered when he saw the light in Oberon's eyes. Not a warmth with love, but some sort of triumph.
    "I never doubted you," he said. "It is your compassion, your idealism, your honor that keeps you at my side. You are indeed everything human that, if I were another man, I would covet. Instead, I love you for it. As you love me for my flawed lack of emotion."
    "Do you see those things in me as flaws?" Sam asked, letting his hands drop back to his side.
    "Beautiful flaws that I would not alter." He turned his attention back to Bobby. "So, magician, are you ready to begin?"
    "Of course," Bobby said. "If you'll take a seat in the chair. Sir…" He turned to Sam. "If you would keep a watch on the peephole. We should take nothing for granted at this point."
    Sam turned away to focus on the door. If they were discovered they would all end up entombed in this place. There would be no rescue, of that he was certain.
    Oberon was wrong. He veered off the path completely from the young idealistic student at university. Even more so from the young officer who had thought to uphold the law.
    "You'll be deep undercover," his superior said to him that long ago afternoon. "There will be times when you forget who you are, what side of the law to which you belong. We'll help anchor you as best we can, but there will come a time when you will have a choice. Make the right one, officer. Don't forget yourself."
    There was no place to feel safe. The torturers were on the supposedly right side of the law— how could that be? And here he was trying to right a wrong— it was a burden that bore him down–the guilt of knowing he was the one who put Oberon in this chamber of horrors. He had to make it right. Perhaps his sense of justice had become skewed. But he saw no other way to right a system that had gone so wrong.
    Everyone made sacrifices in pursuit of justice. He glanced back at Bobby, who was just placing the red wig over Oberon's blond head. The system was flawed, men were flawed, and the world was turned on end. It was difficult to know the difference between right and wrong any longer. The only thing Sam knew was what his conscience dictated to him. After today his bridges would be burned and there would be no going back from that.
    He watched Bobby and Oberon. He twisted the gold ring on his left ring finger. He had made a vow and he would not fail Oberon, no matter what the cost.
    The clock chimed four times. They were out of time. Sam turned to gaze at the two men–one looking the image of Bobby at a quick glance, the other encased in the red leather respirator, his identity masked.
    "Do I look the part?" Oberon asked as he tugged on the hem of the dark vest, re-situating it. It hung a bit loosely, but there was no help for it, not this late in the game.
    Sam nodded. "Yes, I believe you will pass. Bobby has accomplished a remarkable likeness to himself."
    "Excellent." Oberon grinned.
    "Beware of too many facial expressions," Sam cautioned. "Bobby does not exhibit emotion. A placid expression, no matter the circumstances, would be highly advised. He does exhibit interest, but not true emotion. I would think you could manage that."
    Oberon gazed at Sam assessingly. "You're angry with me."
    "Perhaps frustrated by the circumstances. I don't like leaving Bobby behind."
    Bobby turned to look at Sam. He shook his head and waved a hand to the door. Then he swung back around and took up a stance that would indicate sufferance and pride. His shoulders straight, his hands clasped behind his back. So much resembling a hauty stance that Oberon might take. Sam went to him.
    "I don't like this. I wouldn't abandon you here if I had any other choice."
    Bobby nodded his understanding of Sam's attempt at apology.
    Sam found the situation eerie. The mask turned Bobby into someone unknown to him. He couldn't connect. Not in the way he was used to. It was off-putting. Bobby unclasped his hands and placed one on Sam's shoulder and squeezed, offering some measure of comfort, and forgiveness to Sam. Sam stepped away as the outer door squeezed open and the guard stepped in. His eyes were puffy, he was

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