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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
Vom Netzwerk:
    "If anyone can figure out a way to make that happen, it will be you," Cory chuckled.
    "Gee, thanks— I think. What's up?"
    "Bogo is gimpy on that right, front leg, again. Plus, he's mildly lethargic, and he's only been eating about half of his diet."
    Lora sighed. Cory imagined she had slipped off her reading glasses and was pinching the bridge of her nose the way she always did when she was thinking through a problem. Finally, she said, "I'll call Dr. Sullivan and see if she can fit us into her rounds today."
    "Bogo's already on exhibit?" Lora asked.
    "Yep, he didn't show the limp until he was already out the door," Cory explained.
    "Can you get him to shift back in?"
    "Nope, not right now. There's meat chunks stashed all over his exhibit for enrichment."
    "Oh, well then, I guess not," Lora chuckled. "I'll see if Dr. Sullivan can make a visit later in the day. I'll let you know. Oh, and don't forget about tonight."
    "Tonight?" Cory was clueless. His mind spun as he tried to remember the plan. Nothing. "Ah, where are we going again?"
    "The Larabee Donors' Reception. You promised to be my date."
    "Oh, crap, I did forget. Sorry."
    "See, reverse harassment. I get no love up in here," Lora chuckled. "Wear your best duds. I'll pick you up at eight."
    "Yes ma'am." Cory hung up with a grin on his face. Free wine, rich men. Things could be worse.
    Dr. TJ Dylan pulled his vet truck into the parking area behind the lion house. He would have preferred Dr. Sullivan introduce him to the keepers, but she and the rest of the staff had their hands full with annual physicals over at The Great Ape Cognitive Research Center today.
    Anyway, this was what she'd hired him for. His new job was to take over the clinical cases at the Larabee Wild Animal Park, so Dr. Sullivan could focus more time on research.
    TJ felt a little nervous about being thrown to the lions this way. Not that he couldn't handle the pressure, he reminded himself. Nobody got through NC State Vet School without eating pressure for breakfast, even if they did have to keep it down with large doses of calcium carbonate. He pushed his glasses up and fished his roll of Tums out of his shirt pocket, popping one into his mouth as he stepped from the truck and squared his shoulders. Nothing like walking into your first big job with no backup.
    "Just take charge, Dr. Dylan," he mumbled, as he crossed to the back of the truck and unlocked the vet box to grab his medical tote. He checked the contents and stuffed a pair of binoculars into it before slamming and locking the truck's supply box.
    He stepped to the door and knocked briskly, looking down the long hall of the barn through a narrow pane of glass. He shifted his weight from foot to foot while he waited for someone to let him into the locked building.
    A guy stepped into the aisle from the last cage at the far end. He pulled a black hose along behind him and laid it down. He held up one finger at TJ to indicate he'd be there in a minute before turning back to lock the cage he'd just been in.
    Walking down the corridor towards him, TJ couldn't help but notice the sway of his hips. TJ's eyes traveled up a lean torso, over a dusty khaki shirt that was unbuttoned to show a bit of smooth, sculpted chest. He had the most beautiful mouth TJ had ever seen. Full, pink lips smiled at him as he moved closer. His pale complexion was rosy from the physical exertion, and his strawberry blond hair was tousled and a little sweaty, curling around his angular face.
    By the time the guy got near the door, TJ was captured by a big pair of curious, blue eyes shining at him through the glass. Great, he'd been busted scoping.
    The guy unlocked the door and held it open. "Hey there? Can I help you? With anything? At all?" He winked.
    TJ felt his body begin to react. He gritted his teeth and willed himself not to take the bait. "I'm Dr. Dylan. Dr. Sullivan sent me over to assess the lion."
    The man stepped back. "Well then. Come on in. I'm Cory." He stuck his hand out when TJ was in the door.
    TJ took it and felt his pulse speed at the touch. "Pleasure to meet you."
    "The pleasure's all mine." Cory smiled into his eyes, continuing to hold his hand. TJ felt his face heat and his body tighten further.
    "It's an extremely busy day for us, so if you'll show me this lion, please." TJ's voice sounded curt to his own ears.
    Cory frowned a little; some of the teasing light seemed to fade from his eyes. "Sure. Follow

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