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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various Authors
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that carried one forth– undeniable, unforgiving, rapture.
    He put out the fire, making sure it was completely cold and dead. Then he stepped back into the wagon. Oberon was stretched out on the bed. A syringe and an empty vial rested on the table next to him. His silk robe was in disarray. The opiate hadn't been enough, or it had obviously worn off. He'd found the stash of heroin.
    Sam stripped down to his underdrawers and slipped into the bed next to Oberon. He threw a protective arm across him. "Forever," he whispered.
    Oberon slowly turned his head, his slitted eyes fastened onto Sam. He smiled tenderly. "Forever, darling."
    Unto life and into death
    Heaven or hell or somewhere in between…
    Inspector Gray sat behind his desk in his dusty, paper-strewn office in a non-descript building in the police subdivision of the metropolis. A knock sounded on his door and a man dressed in what might have been a dapper blue suit, but was now ripped and disheveled, stepped inside.
    "You made contact then," Inspector Gray said as he motioned to a serviceable straight-backed wooden chair across from his desk.
    "Yes. As you ordered." The man in blue sat down.
    "And? I see you had a bit of a struggle. Caused a commotion at the station, did you?"
    "Yes, sir. I believe we both forgot the purpose of the altercation. The confrontation became rather… vigorous."
    Inspector Gray leaned closer, a look of tension crossing his expression. "The matter was consummated, even so?"
    "It was." He pulled a scrap of folded paper and a journal from his pocket and set them on the inspector's desk.
    Inspector Gray unfolded the paper and scanned the contents. A gray brow arched. He looked up. "You know what this means, Atwood?"
    "A map, sir. It appears he's given us a rather vague scrawl of the direction they'll be heading."
    Inspector Gray folded up the piece of paper and set it aside. He glanced at the worn journal. He set a hand upon the black book. "This has been a very exhausting assignment for Dart. It has taken a lot out of him. Undercover work can do that to a man. They can… forget themselves."
    "I understand you made a deal with him if he went along with your plan?"
    Inspector Gray nodded. "It was the ethical thing to do. The facility has been closed and the good Dr. Rustenberg has been taken into custody, along with several of the dope fiend guards. We moved the other scientist incarcerants to a more humane facility."
    Atwood nodded. "It does seem only right. From the report I read, the situation did seem to have deteriorated quite badly."
    "No, he was not wrong on that score. So, Guarde, the automaton is waiting for you below. Dart gave him the name Bobby Robbins. He's going to be entrusted to you since you'll be heading the team that will work out of the hat factory. I personally gave my word that Bobby would be looked after properly and that no harm would come to him. So much has gone wrong with this business. And it's drawn out far too long. It must come to an end. I want every single one who's involved with Ophelian captured and brought to justice."
    "I still don't understand why you ordered Dart to such lengths. Why did he marry the madman— wasn't becoming his lover enough to ensure his trust?"
    Inspector Gray shook his head sadly. "It wasn't an order. It was love that sent him to such rash actions. And I would say it was a bit of guilt, also, at the conditions he found Dr. Ophelian in when it was all said and done. He was not happy. One might say he was a haunted man."
    "But still—"
    "Guarde, have you ever been in love?"
    "No, sir. I've never felt it was for me. It demands such a strong devotion."
    "Love should be uplifting, it should be— well, something quite divine. At least according to the poets."
    "Yes, sir. I expect it should."
    "And then for others it can be the most driving, and destructive, force on earth. I think Dart is driven by a very dark passion that will, in the end, destroy him. And yet, he's an honorable man, if not an idealist. He still has hope to turn the tide. But I suspect he will be wrong. Until then, I hope in the quagmire of this love he has for Ophelian, he is able to rescue a few moments of happiness to carry him through."
    Inspector Gray leaned back in his chair and looked at Investigator Beauregard Atwood. "You have your task. Track his movements until the time comes to reel them all in. Good luck, Atwood. Keep me informed."
    Atwood stood and saluted before he left. He

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