Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible
pollination: the transfer of male pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same or a different flower to fertilize ovules which produce seeds
polyhybrid cross: a hybrid plant crossbred for more than one trait
pot: 1. container for growing medium 2. American slang word for marijuana
potbound: root system that is bound, stifled, or inhibited from normal growth by a too-small container
potassium (K): one of the macronutrients necessary for plant life
potent: capable of wielding strong physiological or chemical effects: marijuana rich in THC that provides a desirable psychoactive effect
power surge: interruption or change in flow of electricity
predatory insect: beneficial insect or parasite that hunts down and devours harmful insects
primordia: belonging to or characteristic of the earliest stage of development of an organism or a part
progeny: 1. one born of, begotten by, or derived from another; an offspring or a descendant: 2. offspring or descendants considered as a group
propagate: 1. sexual propagation: to produce a seed by breeding a male and female plant 2. asexual propagation: to produce a plant by cloning
pruning: trimming branches or parts of plants to strengthen those that remain, or bring shape to the plant
Punnett square: a tool developed by British geneticist, Reginald Punnett, used by biologists to predict the probability of possible genotypes of offspring
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipe: plastic pipe that is easy to work with, readily available, and used to transport liquid and air
pyrethrum: natural insecticide made from the blossoms of various chrysanthemums
RH: relative humidity: see humidity, relative
radicle: the part of a plant seedling that develops into a root, the root tip
recovery: hydroponic system that reclaims the nutrient solution and recycles it
rejuvenation: a mature plant, having completed its life cycle (flowering) that is stimulated by a new 18-hour photoperiod, to rejuvenate or produce new vegetative growth
resin glands: tiny pores that secrete resin
retting: to moisten or soak in order to soften and separate the fibers from the woody tissue by partial rotting
root: 1. the underground part of a plant: Roots function to absorb water and nutrients as well as anchor a plant in the ground. 2. to root (start) a cutting or clone
root hormone: root-inducing substance
rootbound: see potbound
roguing: to weed out inferior, diseased, or undesirable plants from a crop, field, or population area
Root bound plant
salt: crystalline compound that results from improper pH or toxic build-up of fertilizer: Salt will burn plants, preventing them from absorbing nutrients.
scion: the shoot (containing buds) that is used for grafting
SCROG: screen of green: a growing method which involves training cannabis shoots onto a net, trellis, or chicken wire
scuff: to scrape and roughen the surface: Seeds with a hard outer shell germinate faster when scuffed.
Seal-a-meal: airtight sealer for plastic baggies used to seal in freshness of pungent marijuana
Sea of Green (SOG): a method of growing tightly spaced cloned plantlets. The clones are flowered almost immediately after rooting for a small yield per plant, but no wasted space.
secondary nutrients: calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Ca and Mg are considered to be primary nutrients by some sources.
seed: the mature, fertilized ovule of a pistillate plant, containing a protective shell, embryo, and supply of food: A seed will germinate and grow, given heat and moisture.
selfing: to fertilize with pollen from the same flower or plant; self-pollination
senescence: the (declining) growth stage in a plant or plant part from its prime to death
sexual propagation: in plants, the reproduction by means of seed following fertilization
shake: slang term for “Bunk,” lower growth, or least potent portion of harvest: small particles of cannabis broken off the main “nug” inside a bag due to rough handling: Many times, shake is flaked or powder-like and used for cooking.
short circuit: condition that results when wires cross and form a circuit. A short circuit will trip breaker switches and blow fuses.
sinsemilla: two Spanish words: sin = without, semilla = seed, combined into one word by Americans: Sinsemilla describes potent marijuana from flowering female cannabis plants kept seedless by preventing pollination in order to promote a high THC content.
Sea of Green.
soap: 1. cleaning agent 2. wetting agent 3. insecticide:
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