Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible
inbreeding: the process of breeding solely within the seed lot with no external pollen inputs
induce: to effect, cause, or influence via stimulation: A 12-hour photoperiod stimulates flowering.
inductive photoperiod: daylength required to stimulate flowering
inert: a substance that will not chemically react. Inert growing mediums make it easy to control the chemistry of the nutrient solution.
inflorescence: a cluster of flowers
insecticide: a product that kills or inhibits insects
intensity: the amount or strength of light energy per unit or area: Intensity decreases the further away from the source.
intersex: a single individual expressing both staminate and pistillate flowers
intersexual: having sexual characteristics of both the typical male and typical female plants
introgress: to incorporate or add a trait to a given population, without otherwise altering the significant characteristic of the population
Inductive photoperiod 12 hours day/night
jacket: protective outer bulb or envelope of lamp
kif: Moroccan word for cannabis plants and flowers. It is also the Moroccan term for a mix of tobacco and cannabis which is smoked. Kif does not mean Moroccan hash.
Kilowatt hour (kWh): measure of electricity used per hour: A 1000-watt HID uses one kilowatt per hour.
landrace: is a (wild) cannabis variety that is not improved by humans
leach: to dissolve or wash out soluble components of soil by heavy watering
leader: see meristem
leggy: plant that is abnormally tall, with few leaves: usually caused by lack of light
life cycle: a series of growth stages through which cannabis must pass in its natural lifetime: The stages are seed, seedling, vegetative, and floral.
light mover: a device that moves a lamp back and forth or in a circular path across the ceiling of a grow room to provide more balanced light
limbing: cutting off lower, secondary plant branches to encourage primary growth
lime: calcium compounds such as dolomite or hydrated lime that determine or alter soil pH level
litmus paper: chemically sensitive paper used to indicate pH levels in colorless liquids
loam: organic soil mixture of crumbly clay, silt, and sand
locus: a position on a chromosome where a specific gene is located. Plural: loci
lumen: measurement of light output: One lumen is equal to the amount of light emitted by one candle that falls on one square foot of surface located one foot away from one candle.
macronutrient: one or all of the primary nutrients N-P-K (nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium) or the secondary nutrients Mg (magnesium) and Ca (calcium)
manicure: trim leaves and large stems from buds with scissors or fine pruners so the most THC-potent portion remains
marijuana: cannabis; illegal drug in many countries, ingested for its THC content
meristem: 1. plant tissue from which new cells are formed; 2. the active growing tip of a root or stem
meristem pruning: cutting away the growth tip to encourage branching and limit height
micron: one-millionth of a meter. The symbol “?” is used to denote micron.
micronutrients: trace elements necessary for plant health, including S, Fe, Mn, B, Mb, Zn, and Cu
millimeter: 0.04 inch
mist: to manufacture rain with the help of a spray bottle
moisture meter: electronic device that measures the moisture content of a substrate at any given point
monoecious: having male and female reproductive systems or flowers on the same plant
monoecious: an individual plant having both staminate and pistillate flowers. A monoecious population consists of plants expressing flowers of both genders.
monochromatic: producing only one color: LP sodium lamps are monochromatic.
morphology: the study of the form and structure of animals and plants
Mother Nature: the vast outdoors and all she holds: The indoor horticulturist assumes the role of Mother Nature.
mother plant: female marijuana plant held in vegetative state and used for cutting (cloning) stock: A mother plant may be grown from seed or be a clone.
mulch: a protective covering for the soil of compost, old leaves, paper, rocks, etc.: Indoors, mulch keeps soil too moist and possible fungus could result. Outdoors, mulch helps soil retain and attract moisture.
mutation: an inheritable change in genetic material
mycelium: the mass of strands that form the root-like part of fungi, often submerged in soil or a host body
nanometer (nm): 0.000000001 meter, one billionth of a meter, nm is used as a scale to measure
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