Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible
electromagnetic wavelengths of light: Color and light spectrums are expressed in nanometers.
necrosis/necrotic: localized death of a plant part due to injury or disease
nitrogen (N): essential element to plant growth; one of the three major nutrients N-P-K
node: 1. a joint; 2. the position on a stem from which leaves, shoots, or flowers grow
N-P-K: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium: the three major plant nutrients
nursery: gardening business that grows plants for sale or experimentation: A nursery is a great place to gather information.
nutrient: plant food, essential elements N-P-K as well as secondary and trace elements fundamental to sustaining plant life
Ohms Power Law: a law that expresses the strength of an electric current: Volts × Amperes = Watts.
open pollination: pollination that occurs naturally, as opposed to controlled pollination, no effect of selection from human interference
optimum: 1. the most favorable condition for growth and reproduction 2. peak production
organic: 1. made of, derived from, or related to living organisms: Growers of organic cannabis use fertilizers and insect control methods of animal or vegetable origin. Unaltered rock powders are also considered organic.
osmosis: the equalizing movement of fluids through a semi-permeable membrane, such as in a living cell
outbreeding: breeding between individual cannabis plants that are not closely related
outcross: the process of breeding using individuals outside of the family, population, or group
overload: load to excess: An electrical circuit that uses more than 80 percent of its potential is overloaded. A 20 amp circuit drawing 17 amps is overloaded.
ovule: egg which contains the female genes and is found within the plant ovary: When fertilized, an ovule will grow into a seed.
oxygen: tasteless, colorless, odorless element: Plants need oxygen in the soil in order to grow.
parasite: organism that lives on or in another host organism without benefiting the host: Fungus is a parasite.
passive: hydroponic system that moves the nutrient solution through absorption or capillary action
pathogen: a disease-causing micro-organism, especially bacteria, fungi, and viruses
peat: partially decomposed vegetation (usually moss) with slow decay due to extreme moisture, cold, and acidic conditions
perennial: a plant, such as a tree or shrub, that completes its life cycle over several years
perlite: amendment of sand or volcanic glass expanded by heat, which aerates the soil or growth medium
pH: a scale from 0-14 that measures a growing medium’s (or anything’s) acid to alkaline balance: a pH of 7 is neutral, lower numbers indicate increasing acidity, and higher numbers increasing alkalinity: Cannabis grows best in a 6.5 to 8 pH range.
pH tester: electronic instrument or chemical used to measure the acid or alkaline balance in soil or water
phenotype: the outward form, characteristic, and appearance of a plant, determined by the interaction of the individual genotype with the environment
phloem: the food- and water-conducting tissue of vascular plants
phosphor coating: internal fluorescent bulb coating that diffuses light and affects various color outputs
phosphorus (P): one of the macronutrients that promote root and flower growth
photoperiod: the relationship between the length of light and dark in a 24-hour period; affects the growth and maturity of cannabis
photosynthesis: the building of chemical compounds (carbohydrates that plants need for growth) from light energy, water, and CO 2
phototropism: the environmental response movement of a plant part toward or away from a light source
phyllotaxy: the arrangement of leaves on a stem, and the principles that govern such arrangement
phytotoxic: substance that is toxic to plants normally burning the leaves.
phytotron: a completely enclosed indoor area with extensive environmental controls for the experimental growth (and study) of plants
pigment: the substance in paint or anything that absorbs light, producing (reflecting) the same color as the pigment
pistillate: female; having pistils but no functional stamens
pistils: small pair of fuzzy white hairs extending from top of female calyx: Pistils catch pollen and channel it into contact with the ovule for fertilization.
pod, seed: a dry calyx containing a mature or maturing seed
pollen: fine, yellow, dust-like microspores containing male genes
pollen sack: male flower containing
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