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Titel: Mayflower Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Nathaniel Philbrick
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    patents for colonists
    Entertaining Passages Relating to

    Philip’s War (Church)
    Epenow (sachem) “Eulogy on King Philip”
    Faunce, Thomas
    First Encounter Beach
    First Thanksgiving
    fish and fishing: in Billington Sea

    Cape Cod fisheries

    codfishing season off Maine coast

    fertilizing the soil with

    at First Thanksgiving

    Pilgrims’ lack of fishing skills

    Titicut River
    Folger, Peter
    Ford, John
    Ford, Martha
    Forefathers’ Day
    Forrest, Edwin
    loaded with goods to repay debt to Merchant Adventurers

    seizure by the French
    Foster, John
    Foxe, John
    Philip’s alliance with

    rivalry with England to colonize New World
    Franklin, Benjamin
    Fuller, Matthew
    Fuller, Samuel
    fur trade

    Plymouth settlers with monopoly on
    Gallop, Captain John
    Gardner, Captain Joseph

    Great Swamp Fight and
    Gibbs, John
    Gill, Quartermaster John
    Goodman, John
    Good Newes from New England (Winslow)
    Gookin, Daniel
    Gorham, John
    Gosnold, Bartholomew
    Goulding, Captain Roger
    Granger, Thomas
    Great Swamp Fight
    Groton, town ofguns:



    Native American culture, incorporated into

    Philip’s preparations for war
    Gurnet peninsula
    Hakluyt, Richard
    Half-Way Covenant
    Hamden, John
    Hammond, William
    Harlow, Edward
    Harvard College
    Hatfield, town of
    Heale, Giles
    Henchman, Captain Daniel
    Herring River
    Hoar, George Frisbie
    Hoar, John

    accusation about Squanto

    Corbitant, mission to confront

    Massasoit’s illness and

    Standish and
    Hog Island

    sale by Alexander of
    Holland: colonization of America

    confederations in

    New Netherland and

    Pilgrim settlement in the Hudson

    Valley, prevention of see also Leiden, Holland
    Honest George (Sakonnet Indian)
    Hopkins, Elizabeth
    Hopkins, Oceanus
    Hopkins, Stephen

    on exploration expeditions of 1620

    family of

    visits Massasoit in summer of 1621
    Howland, Elizabeth Tilley
    Howland, Isaac
    Howland, Jabez
    Howland, John

    Carver estate and

    family of
    Howland, Thomas Southworth
    Hubbard, William, history of the Puritans

    on alliances during King Philip’s War

    on Bloody Brook

    on Canonchet’s capture

    on desperation of Pokanokets in summer of 1676

    on Great Swamp Fight

    on Miles Standish

    on Tefft’s execution
    Hungry March
    Hunt, Thomas
    husking bee
    Hutchinson, Anne
    Indians of New England, see Native Americans of southern New England
    Irving, Washington
    Iyanough (sachem)
    James (Praying Indian)
    James I, King of England
    James II, King of England
    James the Printer
    Indian massacre of colonists at
    Jeffrey (Indian with Church)
    Job Kattenanit
    Johnson, Captain Isaac
    Jones, Christopher

    death of

    on exploration expedition of 1620

    as master of the Mayflower Jones, John
    Jones, Josian
    Jones River
    King Philip’s War

    aftermath of


    casualties and deaths, extent of

    dehumanizing the enemy

    destruction of property

    enslavement of Indians

    European-style warfare and

    events leading to
    expansion of
    final stages of, summer of 1676
    first shots fired in
    the French, Philip’s alliance with
    friendly fire and
    friendly Indians, importance to English of
    Great Swamp Fight
    Hungry March
    Indian military tactics, English adaptation of
    influenza outbreak, spring 1676
    map of southern New England during
    March 1676, Indian raids of
    Nipmucks and, see Nipmucks
    Pease Field Fight
    Philip’s desire to avoid conflict
    Philip’s movements during
    Philip’s preparations for
    Plymouth Council of War
    predictions of the powwows
    pressures on Philip to go to war
    as racial war
    ransoming of English captives
    reassessment of
    Mary Rowlandson and, see Rowlandson, Mary (mother) scalpings
    starvation tactics of

    torture in

    vulnerabilities of the adversaries
    Kingston, Rhode Island
    Lancaster, Massachusetts, town of
    land sales

    by Alexander of Pokanoket

    by Massasoit


    Philip and
    Latham, William
    Lathrop, Captain Thomas
    Leiden, Holland
    Leister, Edward
    Leverett, John. 344
    Lightfoot (Sakonnet Indian)
    Lincoln, Abraham
    Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
    Lucas, Thomas
    Lyford, John
    Macy, Obed
    Maine: during King Philip’s War

    warfare with the Indians after King Philip’s War

    maize, see corn, Indian (maize)
    Manomet, Indian village of

    Standish’s visit to

    Champlain’s map of Plymouth Harbor

    Mount Hope region,

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