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Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter

Titel: Mind Over Matter Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Nora Roberts
Vom Netzwerk:
the passion he’d found in the woman. And it told no secrets, not even in a whisper. He found himself more determined than ever to discover how many she had.
    When A.J. came back she was steady. She’d arranged the roses in one of her rare extravagances, a tall, slim vase of Baccarat crystal. “Since you’re prompt, we can get there a bit early and ogle the celebrities. It’s different than dealing with them over a business lunch or watching a shoot.”
    “You look like a witch,” he murmured. “White skin, black dress. You can almost smell the brimstone.”
    Her hands were no longer steady as she reached for her jacket. “I had an ancestor who was burned as one.”
    He took the jacket from her, regretting the fact that once it was on too much of her would be covered. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
    “In Salem, during the madness.” A.J. tried to ignore the way his fingers lingered as he slid the jacket over her. “Of course she was no more witch than Clarissa, but she was…special. According to the journals and documents that Clarissa gathered, she was twenty-five and very lovely. She made the mistake of warning her neighbors about a barn fire that didn’t happen for two days.”
    “So she was tried and executed?”
    “People usually have violent reactions to what they don’t understand.”
    “We talked to a man in New York who’s making a killing in the stock market by ‘seeing’ things before they happen.”
    “Times change.” A.J. picked up her bag, then paused atthe door. “My ancestor died alone and penniless. Her name was Aurora.” She lifted a brow when he said nothing. “Shall we go?”
    David slipped his hand over hers as the door shut at their backs. “I have a feeling that having an ancestor executed as a witch is very significant for you.”
    After shrugging, A.J. drew her hand from his to push the button for the elevator. “Not everyone has one in his family tree.”
    “And let’s just say I have a good working knowledge of how different opinions can be. They range from everything from blind condemnation to blind faith. Both extremes are dangerous.”
    As they stepped into the elevator he said consideringly, “And you work very hard to shield Clarissa from both ends.”
    “What about you? Are you defending yourself by keeping your relationship with Clarissa quiet?”
    “I don’t need defending from my mother.” She’d swung through the doors before she managed to bank the quick surge of temper. “It’s easier for me to work for her if we keep the family relationship out of it.”
    “Logical. I find you consistently logical, A.J.”
    She wasn’t entirely sure it was a compliment. “And there is the fact that I’m very accessible. I didn’t want clients rushing in to ask me to have my mother tell them where they lost their diamond ring. Is your car in the lot?”
    “No, we’re right out front. And I wasn’t criticizing, Aurora, just asking.”
    She felt the temper fade as quickly as it had risen. “It’s all right. I tend to be a little sensitive where Clarissa’s concerned.I don’t see a car,” she began, glancing idly past a gray limo before coming back to it with raised brows. “Well,” she murmured. “I’m impressed.”
    “Good.” The driver was already opening the door. “That was the idea.”
    A.J. snuggled in. She’d ridden in limos countless times, escorting clients, delivering or picking them up at airports. But she never took such cushy comfort for granted. As she let herself enjoy, she watched David take a bottle out of ice.
    “Flowers, a limo and now champagne. I am impressed, Brady, but I’m also—”
    “Going to spoil it,” he finished as he eased the cork expertly out. “Remember, we’re testing your theory that I’d make an interesting companion.” He offered a glass. “How’m I doing?”
    “Fine so far.” She sipped and appreciated. If she’d had experience in anything, she reminded herself, it was in how to keep a relationship light and undemanding. “I’m afraid I’m more used to doing the pampering than being pampered.”
    “How’s it feel to be on the other side?”
    “A little too good.” She slipped out of her shoes and let her feet sink into the carpet. “I could just sit and ride for hours.”
    “It’s okay with me.” He ran a finger down the side of her throat to the edge of her jacket. “Want to skip the movie?”
    She felt the tremor start where his finger

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