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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
Vom Netzwerk:
something you need, Zoe?” Jilia’s hair was falling out of her bun and she looked disheveled.
    “Is she okay?” I walked over to where Saminsa lay on one of the beds. Her face was unusually pale, her lips almost white.
    “She’s sedated.”
    “What did Taylor use on her? Xona said there was a gas of some kind?”
    Jilia’s messy hair flopped into her face, and she tucked some behind her ear. “We closed off the hallway leading to the elevator and gassed it. It’s a mix of heavy antipsychotics and sedative.”
    She stopped and rubbed her forehead, clearly uncomfortable. “We’ve been trying to develop a serum to neutralize glitcher abilities. It was one of Taylor’s requirements in setting up the Foundation.”
    I’d known it must be something like this, but hearing it stated out loud made the air whoosh out of my lungs. “Neutralize abilities? You mean take away our Gifts?”
    “No, no,” Jilia said. “Not you guys! Only the enemy. Just for tactical…” Her voice trailed off.
    “But you had it installed here. To use against us.” I turned back to look at Saminsa. “Is her power totally gone?”
    Jilia’s shoulders sagged and she sat down on her lab chair. “It’s not permanent. The antipsychotic numbs the norepinephrine transmitters and seems to disrupt whatever it is that makes Gifts possible. We don’t even know how it works, just that the serum did work in sample patients.”
    “Sample patients? You experimented on glitchers?” I didn’t even try to hide the accusation in my voice.
    “You don’t understand. We needed another way to try and combat the Chancellor’s compulsion. Or at least to defend against her glitcher army without shedding blood. Just think, Zoe, without it, we might have had to kill Saminsa. Sometimes you have to go along with things you aren’t comfortable with.” She glanced at the door Henk had left through. “But if the end goal is important enough, the good outweighs the bad.”
    I stared at her, frowning reluctantly. It was what I wanted, wasn’t it? A way to neutralize the Chancellor’s compulsion powers? It was why I’d come looking for the General in the first place.
    “If you’ve had this serum or gas or whatever, then why haven’t we put together a mission against the Chancellor already?”
    Jilia looked away. “Taylor’s been busy pursuing another mission first.”
    “What mission?” I asked.
    “I can’t tell you.”
    Surely it had to be the one Henk was just discussing with her, but she obviously wasn’t going to share. “Well, why didn’t someone at least tell us about the serum you guys were developing? Even if you didn’t want to tell everyone, you could have told our task force. We’re all fighting on the same side here.”
    Jilia didn’t say anything, she just looked at the ground.
    My chest tightened. Jilia didn’t have to say it. Taylor didn’t think of us as on the same side. That was the crux of the whole issue. As much as she was willing to use glitchers to further her goals, she still considered us an enemy.
    “She wants to find a way to make it permanent, doesn’t she?” I looked up at Jilia. I didn’t wait for her answer. “How can you help her with this? You’re one of us!”
    “I didn’t want to at first,” Jilia said earnestly. “I didn’t want any part of it. But it was the only nonviolent solution on the table. And we would never use it on you, only the enemy.” She shook her head. “You don’t know how bad it’s gotten out there. Everyone’s scared and desperate. We’re all afraid of what’s coming.”
    Her words suddenly triggered a memory of watching Adrien, dripping wet at the sink. Staring with shadowed eyes into the mirror talking about how he’d told Taylor something he shouldn’t have. Some vision that had changed her. Made her desperate.
    Jilia’s wrist com vibrated and she looked down at it. She turned back to me with a falsely cheerful smile. “They’ve finished repairs and all air systems checked out fine. It’s safe for you to take off the suit. If you hurry, you can make it in time for lunch.”
    I didn’t say anything but my mind was racing. It wasn’t only about the General and her serum. Henk had spoken of blood and revolution. If Taylor was desperate, just how far was she willing to go?
    I didn’t know, but I was going to find out.

Chapter 23
    I MESSAGED XONA AND GINNI to meet me later in the equipment room. They were the only two I trusted

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