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Royal Road to Card Magic The

Royal Road to Card Magic The

Titel: Royal Road to Card Magic The Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jean Hugard , Frederick Braue
Vom Netzwerk:
there's also a joker in every audience. You're the joker in this case; you didn't think of any number at all,' and the spectator will be forced to admit that this is the case.
    When the joker is the top card, consider its value to be eleven, which when deducted from twelve tells you that the next key number will be one, the top card. Take advantage of the circumstance by taking the packet, giving it a little shake, having the spectator name his number, and turning the top card to show that its value corresponds.
    Circus Card Trick
    In the old days this trick was used by cardsharps to fleece the unwary. It is an amusing swindle for use with a small group when presented as legitimate entertainment.
    1. Have someone shuffle the pack, and in taking it back glimpse the bottom card to use as a key card. Spread the cards and ask a spectator to remove one, having him show it to everyone. This is important, for later you may need witnesses.
    2. Have the card replaced and place the key card above it by using the key undercut method. Shuffle the pack by means of the key undercut shuffle, which will leave the chosen card and the key card somewhere near the middle. Next have someone make two complete cuts.
    3. Take the pack and assert that you can find the spectator's card unfailingly by sense of touch alone. Deal the cards face upwards, watching for your key card. When it falls, the next card dealt is the chosen card. Deal this card, maintaining an impassive expression; remember its name and then deal half a dozen cards more.
    4. Finally, push a card off the pack, feel its face with your right index fingertip, hesitate and feel the card again. Glance up triumphantly, tapping the card. 'I'll wager you £5 that the next card I turn over is your card!'
    5. Having seen you deal the chosen card, and mistakenly believing that you will turn over the card at the top of those you hold, some people will gleefully accept your wager. You then say, 'My grandfather was right. He said that you should never bet on a sure thing!' Reach out and turn over the chosen card face downwards, thus living up to your promise to turn this card over.
    The trick causes a good deal of laughter, and since this was your objective you naturally refuse to permit the loser to pay his debt.
    Black Jack, Detective
    A chosen card and the jack of clubs, which you introduce as Herlock Sholmes, a detective card, are placed in different parts of the pack. Yet, after several cuts, when the cards are dealt the detective card and the chosen card come out together.
    1. Have a card freely selected from a shuffled pack and leave it in the spectator's hands.
    2. Run through the pack to find the jack of clubs, and as you do this note and remember the top card, which let us say is the ace of hearts. Remove the jack of clubs and place it to one side.
    3. Square the cards and hold them face downwards in the left hand. Using the key undercut, strip out the lower half of the pack with the right hand, and have the chosen card replaced on top of the cards remaining in the left hand, which will place it above the key card, the ace of hearts.
    4. Hand the other packet to a second spectator, inviting him to take about half the cards, place them on top of the chosen card and square the cards.
    5. Have a third spectator place the jack of clubs on top of these, and then have the remaining cards of the cut placed on top of all.
    6. Finally, have a fourth spectator make two complete cuts, which will more or less bring the pack back to about its original order.
    7. Holding the pack as for the glide, patter about the marvellous accomplishments of your detective card, the jack of clubs, and order it to find and arrest the chosen card. Deal from the bottom, placing the cards face upwards until you deal the ace of hearts, your key card.
    8. Glide back the next card, the chosen card, and continue the deal with the cards above it until the jack of clubs appears. Now draw out the glided card and place if face downwards on the face-upwards jack.
    9. Have the chosen card named and then with the jack flick the other card over, showing that your Herlock Sholmes has succeeded in his mission.


The Double Lift and Turnover

    When used in moderation and properly done this sleight is one of the most useful and deceptive of modern card sleights. Unfortunately many conjurors do it badly and far too often. We would caution the student first to learn to execute the sleight perfectly and then to use it

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