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Sea Breeze 04 - Just for Now

Sea Breeze 04 - Just for Now

Titel: Sea Breeze 04 - Just for Now
Autoren: Abbi Glines
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a lot about me you don’t know. Marcus knows most of it. He knows enough to not want his little sister anywhere near me.”
    What did that mean? Was he now saying I was an idiot too?
    I started to pull away, and Preston’s arms tightened on me. “Where are you going?” he asked.
    I’d told my brother I loved Preston tonight. Heck, I’d told anyone in the parking lot who was around to hear me yell it. But Preston hadn’t said the same. I hadn’t really expected him to. I knew he didn’t love me. But I guess I expected more of an affirmation from him. Something more than him agreeing that Marcus being mad was warranted. It was like he was agreeing that I was making a mistake.
    “Manda, tell me what’s wrong.” I could hear the concern in his voice.
    Tears stung my eyes, and I blinked them away. I was not going to cry. I was tired of crying about everything. No wonder Marcus treated me like a baby. I acted like one.
    “You just sound like you’re agreeing with Marcus. Like you think my wanting to be with you is a bad thing.”
    Preston’s body stiffened, and then the ice bag dropped beside him. His hands were on my waist, pulling me into his lap.
    “Look at me, Manda,” he said gently.
    I did as he asked, and the emotions I could see in his eyes were enough. He might not love me, but he felt something really close. I could see it.
    “Nothing about this thing we have is a bad thing. I’m not gonna lie about it: I don’t deserve you. I’m sure as hell not good enough for you, but as long as you want me, I’m all yours.”
    That wasn’t a proclamation of love, but it was as close as I would ever get with Preston. I knew enough about his past to know he’d never been serious about any girl.
    “Is this thing with us going to be exclusive? Or is it just a thing . . .” I trailed off, not sure how to word this. I didn’t want to say “just sex,” because it wasn’t about the sex. We were more than that, or at least I thought so.
    “Hell yes, it’s exclusive. You can’t date anyone else, Manda. I can’t deal with it. I was ready to rip a guy’s arms off for talking to you tonight.”
    This was a two way street.
    “Um, and you . . . is it exclusive for you?” I asked tentatively. I knew if he couldn’t tell me yes, I wouldn’t be able to do this. I was in too deep emotionally.
    Preston grinned. He ran his hand through my hair and cupped the back of my head. “Baby, all I see is you. It’s something I’ve never experienced, but I can’t see anyone else anymore. Just you.”
    My heart slammed against my chest. Preston pulled my head close enough that his lips could touch mine. I knew his face was sore, so I kissed him back softly. I didn’t want to hurt him.
    “Manda, I want you,” he whispered against my lips.
    Those weren’t the three words I wanted to hear from him. but they were a very close second. I eased off his lap and stood in front of him while I reached back and unzipped my sundress and let it fall to the floor.
    “Sweet Jesus,” Preston whispered.
    I hadn’t worn a bra with my sundress, and I’d worn a pair of the skimpiest panties I had. I was bending down to take off my boots when Preston leaned forward and grabbed my arm.
    “Leave the boots on.”
    “How am I going to get my panties off?”
    He flashed me a wicked grin, then grabbed both my legs and pulled me in between his. Running his hands up my legs, he slipped both hands under the thin strings holding my panties up, and with one hard jerk they fell off me.
    “I don’t even want to know how you knew how to do that.”
    “I’ll replace them. I’ll buy you a bunch just like them,” he promised, pulling me down onto his lap as he removed the towel he was wearing.

Chapter Eighteen
    “Can we do it this way?” Amanda asked nervously as she straddled my lap.
    God, she was so damn innocent. Knowing I’d been the only one ever to touch her, to be inside her, to taste her, made my insane possessiveness worse. I wanted to keep her close. Away from everyone else.
    “Yes, sweetheart, it feels real good this way,” I assured her as I held her hips. “You’ll have all the control.”
    I leaned forward and pulled one of her nipples into my mouth. They were right there, teasing me. I couldn’t ignore them. I was pretty damn sure I was addicted to them. She arched her back and let out a soft moan.
    “I want it in,” she pleaded.
    I smiled up at her. “Then put it in.”
    Her eyes went wide with
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