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Sea Breeze 04 - Just for Now

Sea Breeze 04 - Just for Now

Titel: Sea Breeze 04 - Just for Now
Autoren: Abbi Glines
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surprise, and then she slowly lowered her body until the tip of my erection touched the entrance we both wanted it in so badly.
    “Do I just go down?” she asked, looking back up at me.
    If I wasn’t so incredibly turned on, I would have laughed. “Yeah, just go down on it.” I liked the way that sounded.
    She bit her bottom lip as she eased down on it.
    “Ah, that’s so good,” I groaned as she teased us both by going slow.
    “Yeah,” she panted, “it is.”
    She paused, and I wanted so badly to thrust up, but I held back. This was going to be all her. “Do I keep going?” She was breathing fast and hard, making her tits bounce gently in my face. God, it didn’t get any better than this.
    “All the way down,” I assured her.
    She sank down all the way, and my hips bucked on their own accord, causing her to cry out.
    “Fuck, baby,” I growled as her muscles inside squeezed my dick.
    “Ohgod. It feels so good,” she said, throwing her head back and giving me complete access to her pretty neck. I leaned forward and kissed and licked several soft spots before she started to move. Lifting her hips, she said, “I wanna move.”
    “Up and down, baby. As fast or slow as you want to. It’s your ride.”
    “Oh,” she breathed, her eyes going wider at my words.
    She eased up, and I had to fist my hands at my sides to keep from taking over. This was making me fucking crazy. Flipping her on her back and pumping in and out of her until we both screamed out in release was very tempting. But then, watching her experience this for the first time was something I’d never forget.
    “Preston,” she breathed.
    “Yeah, baby?”
    “Can I go faster? I think I wanna go faster.”
    Ah, hell yeah. “You ride me as fast and hard as you want to. If it feels good to you, it feels just as amazing to me. I promise. You can’t do this wrong.”
    She nodded and placed both her hands on my shoulders, then eased up off me and sank back down quickly. “AH!”
    She did it again, harder this time. It was the most amazing thing I’d ever felt. It was hotter inside than before, and softer. . . .
    I wasn’t wearing a condom. Shit, shit, shit .
    I grabbed her waist as she started getting her rhythm and stopped her.
    “No, please,” she begged, sinking back down on me. “Yes, oh God, Preston.”
    Fuck me. How was I going to stop this?
    She lifted her hips and sank back down on me hard, then cried out again. She was so close. If I wasn’t positive I’d shoot off like a damn cannon when she came, I’d let her finish first.
    “Manda, I gotta put on a condom.”
    She didn’t stop like I’d expected. She lifted her hips faster and rocked back and forth this time while making sexy little moans that were gonna push me over the edge.
    “Manda, a condom, baby. I forgot a condom.”
    “S’okay. I’m on the pill,” she said before pressing down harder and rocking her hips back and forth.
    Why the fuck was she on the pill?
    “Preston, AH! Preston,” she cried out, grabbing my shoulder and leaning forward as she began trembling in my lap.
    I couldn’t hold back. I wrapped both my arms around her and buried my head in her shoulder as I shot off my release inside her.
    I didn’t want to move. Ever. Preston was inside me. I was completely satisfied, and his mouth was nibbling at my neck. No wonder girls in high school liked sex so much. Nothing I’d ever done under the covers in my bed felt like this.
    “Why are you on the pill?” Preston asked against my neck.
    Smiling, I arched my neck a little more so he could cover more skin.
    “Irregular, really bad periods. I’ve been on the pill since I was sixteen.”
    I’d never thought the fact that I took that little pill every day would come in so handy.
    “I’ve never had sex without a condom before,” he said, tilting his head back to look at me. “Being inside you with nothing between us was the best experience of my life.”
    My body felt warm all over. Knowing he’d enjoyed it as much as I had made it even better.
    Preston leaned forward and kissed me. “It isn’t safe though. As good as that felt we can’t do that again. We need to protect you.. I have protection. Can we do this again?"
    “If you’re a very good boy,” I teased.
    His hands slipped down my back until they were caressing my bottom. “I can be real good. So damn good you’ll want to strip for me all the time.”
    Giggling, I shifted my hips and felt him still semi-hard inside
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