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Self Comes to Mind

Self Comes to Mind

Titel: Self Comes to Mind Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Antonio Damasio
Vom Netzwerk:
in, 117
evolution of, 250, 311–12
in fear response, 114
functions of, 75, 248–49
generation of core self in, 248–49
generation of protoself maps in, 190
global neuronal workspace in, 189–90
image space in, 142, 143, 151, 152 , 188–89
map making in, 66
neuron patch, 304, 305
origins of consciousness in, 23, 241–42
in sensory system, 199
structure, 65–66, 306, 309–10
thalamus and, 248
in wakefulness, 186
    cerebrum, 306
    Chalmers, David, 322 n 13, 338 n 7
    Changeux, J. Pierre, 189, 322 n 16, 334 n 1
    cholinergic nuclei, 193
    Churchland, P. S., 270, 321 n 12, 322 n 13, 338 n 7, 340 n 2
    cilia, 33
    cingulate cortex, 118, 127, 306, 326 n 8
    claustrum, 217
    C nerve fibers, 96
    cochlea, 68–69
    cognitive functioning
adaptive behavior and, 35–36
brain structures involved in, 74, 251
education of cognitive unconscious for, 280–81
in emotional processing, 109, 110–11, 116, 119
evidence of unconscious reasoning, 273–78
future prospects for evolution of, 251
    Cohen, L., 334 n 6
    colliculi, 304
map making in, 67, 68
    coma, 161, 234, 237, 244
    compassion, 125, 126–29
in evolution of consciousness, 180
in memory recall process, 139
of neurobiological and mental phenomena, 16, 88
neuron numbers and patterns of organization, 285–86
absence of, 4–5
adaptive behavior without, 35–36
anesthesia effects, 225
autobiographical, 168–69
biological value in origins and development of, 25–26, 28
body mapping leading to, 106–7
brain structures and processes involved in, 23, 24–25, 208–9, 241, 249, 251–52
conscious deliberation as benefit of, 271–72
contents of mind in, 158
core, 168, 171, 172
core self in creation of, 204
definition, 157, 158–59, 319 n 1
dreaming and, 178
emotional expressiveness and, 166–67
emotion as indicator of, 166, 167
evolutionary advantage, 175–76, 267–68
evolutionary origins, 17, 284–85
Freudian conceptualization of, 177
goals for investigation into, 6, 28–30
in hydranencephaly, 82–83
images of objects in, 185
implications of Alzheimer’s research for models of, 229–33
importance of interoceptive system in, 193
intensity scale of, 167–68
introspective examination of simplest levels of, 184–86
language and, 172
levels of self in, 23
life regulation before and after, 176
literary representations of, 159
in locked-in syndrome, 234–35
main feature of, 3–4
in managing and safekeeping life, 25
mind and, 5, 7, 10, 32, 157
in modulation of pain and pleasure states, 49, 53–54, 57–59
in nonhuman animals, 171–72
as nonphysical phenomenon, 14–15
origins of, in brain stem, 22
protoself in, 21
qualia and, 256
quantum theory and, 14
requirements for, 160–61, 290
researchable domains of, 19–20
scope of, 168
self as defining aspect of, 10, 157, 165–66, 170
self process in creation of, 8, 10, 11, 23–24, 180, 182, 183
shifting scope and intensity of, 169
significance of, for human life, 4–5, 13–14, 30, 268, 287, 296–97
significance of emotions in examination of, 108
in sleep, 226–27
for sociocultural homeostasis, 292–93
as state of mind, 157
as subject for study, 319–20 n 1
in vegetative states, 161–62
wakefulness and, 3, 4, 158, 159–60, 183
without feelings, 242
see also mind; neural basis of consciousness; nonconscious and unconscious processes
    contempt, 117, 125
    convergence-divergence regions
in coordinating creation of autobiographical self, 215–17
in default network, 228
in evolution of consciousness, 182
function of, 145, 216
location of, 215–16, 216
in memory recall, 146–47 , 151–53
origins and development of, 145
posteromedial cortices as, 222–23, 224
structure of, 145
    convergence-divergence zones
connections and signaling in, 144
construction of meaning in, 150–51
evidence for operation of, 148–51
location of, 145
in memory recall, 141–42, 145–48, 146–47 , 331 n 7
mirror neurons and, 150–51
number of, 145
origins and development of, 145
process of imagination in, 148–49
reworking of memories in, 211
schematic of, 142
structure of, 145, 153
synchronization of sensory stimuli in, 148–49
    Cook, N. D., 258, 339 n 9
    core consciousness, 168, 171, 172
    core self
action orientation of, 22
in animals, 26
autobiographical self and, 181, 212–13, 237
brain structure and function for implementation of, 205–8, 243, 246
in coma, 237
components of, 206
core consciousness and, 168
in creation of conscious mind, 204
in daydreaming, 170
in development of self, 10, 180–81, 181 ,

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