Self Comes to Mind
301–2, 305–6
Glimcher, Paul W., 324 n 8
gliomas, 302
Goldberg, M. E., 329 n 8
Gonzalez, J., 331 n 10
grandmother cell, 137–38, 151
gray matter, 309
Greenspan, Ralph, 323 n 1
Grush, Rick, 322 n 13
guilt, 125
Gusnard, D. A., 336 n 7
Gustafson, L., 337 n 14
gut feeling, 175
Hagen, M. C., 331 n 10
Haggard, Patrick, 269, 340 n 1
Hagmann, Patric, 331 n 6, 336 n 4
Haidt, Jonathan, 128, 330 n 13
hallucination, 71
Hameroff, Stuart, 322 n 13
Hari, R., 329 n 10
Harting, John K., 327 n 13
Hebb, Donald, 303
Heilman, Kenneth M., 325 n 5
Heinzel, A., 321 n 12
higher-order association cortexes. see early sensory cortices
hint half hinted, 8
Alzheimer’s disease effects, 230
anatomy, 306
changes in Alzheimer’s disease, 231, 233
functions of, 74
Hobson, Allan, 334 n 9
Hodos, William, 323 n 1, 338 n 3
Holden, C., 341 n 15
Holldobler, Bert, 323 n 1
before and after emergence of consciousness, 176
anticipating change to maintain, 44, 49
artistic experience and, 295–96
biological value and, 27, 48–49
brain capacity for, 25–26
brain stem involvement in, 98–99
capability for, at all levels of life, 45, 324 n 7
definition, 42
dispositions in, 135
drives and, 55
drug addiction and, 282
evolutionary advantages of consciousness in, 268
evolution of, 43–44, 55
generation of feelings of knowing in, 192–93
life management processes to maintain, 41–42
motivation and, 55
relationship of conscious and unconscious regulatory systems in, 58
reproductive behaviors and, 54–55
sensory response policy for, 51
sociocultural, 26–27, 292–94
homeostatic range
advantages of consciousness in regulation of, 59
as biological value, 48–49
conscious awareness of optimal, 55–56
in incentive system for survival, 52–53
pain and pleasure states and, 53
Homer and Homeric poems, 93–94, 289
homunculus, 200–201
hormonal system
in brain–body communication, 96, 307
nonconscious modulation of tissue states, 53
Hubel, David, 325 n 3
Huerta, Michael F., 327 n 13
Hume, David, 11, 321 n 11
Humphrey, Nicholas, 322 n 15
Huxley, T. H., 280, 341 n 10
Hyde, Thomas M., 328 n 6
hydranencephaly, 80–83, 119
Hyman, Brad, 230, 336 n 11
hypnosis, 170
anatomy, 306, 309
in fear response, 113
functions of, 244, 307
in master interoceptive system, 194–95
neuroanatomy, 244
role in homeostasis, 98–99
in wakefulness, 186
Iacoboni, M., 332–33 n 15
abstract, 70–71, 187–88
in autobiographical self, 23
in body mapping, 20
brain structures involved in making of, 74, 75, 85, 188–89
cerebral cortex and, 248
creation of, and knowledge of, 16
in creation of autobiographical self, 212, 213, 214
in creation of consciousness, 188, 203–4
in creation of core self, 22–23, 205–6
in creation of protoself, 20, 21
definition, 18, 64–65, 160
evolutionary advantages of consciousness in use of, 267–68
evolution of capability for making and managing, 174–76
feelings and emotions in response to, 254
felt, 70, 76 , 188, 190, 287
flow of, in mind, 71
illogical flow of, 71
integration of dispositions with, 153
interactive creation of, 72
mapping and, 63, 65, 70, 76
in memory storage and recall, 139
neural generation of, 18
in nonconscious mind, 72, 173–75
of objects in consciousness, 185
primordial feelings as, 21, 22
as product of self, 10
properties represented in, 70–71
of relationship between organism and object, 188, 203, 204, 207
representations of organism in, 188
selection and ordering of, 173–74
of self in consciousness, 185
sources of, 187–88
value of, 71–72, 256
image space
brain structures and processes in operation of, 188–89
creation of conscious mental states in, 241
in creation of core self, 205–6
evolution of, 153
global neuronal workspace model and, 189–90
for memory recall, 142, 143, 151, 152
stages of self in, 181
convergence-divergence model of, 149
in daydreaming, 170
as gift of consciousness, 296–97
imaging technology
brain map–object correlation, 69, 70
neuroscience research based on, 19
studies of consciousness in vegetative states, 161–62
for tracking course of emotions, 122
Immordino-Yang, Mary Helen, 127, 330 n 12
implicit memory, 143, 144
impulsive behavior, 283–84
evolution, 52–55
nonconscious response policy for survival, 51–52
inferior colliculus, 244, 327 n 13
instincts, 278
insular cortex
damage to, 79 , 240
in emotion processes, 117–18, 127
feelings in absence of,
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