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Sorceress of Darshiva

Sorceress of Darshiva

Titel: Sorceress of Darshiva Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: David Eddings
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Gandahar with the other people who left here?"
    "I never lost nothin' in Gandahar. Them folks is all crazy down there. They spend all their time chasin' elephants. I mean, what y' gonna do with a elephant once y' catch 'im? An' the fish down there aren't worth the bait. Besides, this is the first time I've had this dock all to myself in the last five years. Most of the time I can't even get my line in the water, there's so many out here."
    "Well," Durnik said, rising to his feet a little regretfully, "I suppose we'd better push on. We're going to have to find a boat somewhere."
    "I'd sure advise stayin' away from the Darshiva side, friend," the fisherman said seriously. "You'd be better off t’ cut yerself a pole an' sit right here with me until all the trouble blows over.''
    "I certainly wish I could," Durnik sighed. "Good luck, friend."
    "Just bein' here with my line in the water is the best luck in the world." The fellow shrugged, turning his eyes back to the floating stick on his line. "If you go over to the Darshiva side, try not t' get et by demons."
    "I'll make a special point of it," Durnik promised. As Garion and his friend walked back along the rickety dock to where their horses were tethered, Durnik smiled. They talk differently in this part of the world, don't they?"
    "Yes," Ganon agreed, remembering the gabby old man and his pig in the wayside tavern above the plains of Voresebo.
    "I sort of like it, though," Durnik admitted. "It's kind free and relaxed and easy, somehow."
    "I wouldn't necessarily try to imitate it, though, if I were you," Garion advised. "Aunt Pol might wash your mouth with soap if you did."
    "Oh," Durnik smiled, "I don't think she'd really do that, Garion."
    Garion shrugged. "She's your wife—and it's your mouth." Belgarath was waiting for them atop the grassy hill rising the village on the riverbank. "Well?" he asked. The fish are biting," Durnik told him seriously.
    Belgarath stared at him for a moment, then rolled his eyes heavenward and groaned. "I meant in Darshiva," he said between clenched teeth.
    "I couldn't really say for sure about that, Belgarath, but they're biting on this side, it only stands to reason that they'd be biting over there, too, doesn't it?"
    Durnik's face was very sincere, and his tone was earnest. Belgarath turned and stamped away, muttering to himself. When they rejoined the others, Garion briefly repeated the information he and Durnik had gleaned from the solitary man at the end of the dock.
    That puts a whole new complexion on things, doesn't Silk said. "Now what?"
    If you don't mind a suggestion, Ancient One," Sadi said to Belgarath. "I think we might be wise to follow the example of the villagers Belgarion mentioned and go on river to Gandahar and find a boat there. It might take little longer, but we'll avoid the demons."
    Toth shook his head. The huge mute's usually impassive face had a worried frown on it. He made a quick series of those obscure gestures to Durnik.
    "He says we don't have time," the smith translated.
    "Is there some kind of special time when we have to get to Kell?" Silk asked.
    Toth gestured again, his big hands moving rapidly.
    "He says that Kell has been sealed off from the rest of Dalasia," Durnik told them. "Cyradis has made arrangements for us to get through, but once she leaves, the other seers will seal it off again."
    "Leaves?" Belgarath said with some surprise. "Where's she going?"
    Durnik looked inquiringly at Toth, and the mute gestured some more. "Oh," Durnik said, "I see." He turned back to Belgarath. "She needs to go to the place of the meeting soon. She has to be there when it happens so that she can make the choice."
    "Couldn't she just travel with us?" Velvet asked.
    Toth shook his head again, and his gestures became more emphatic.
    "I'm not sure I got all that," Durnik confessed. "Tell me if I make any mistakes." He turned once more. "He says that something's supposed to happen before we get to Kell, but if it doesn't, she'll have to travel alone."
    "Did he say what this something is going to be?" Polgara asked her husband.
    "The way I understand it, he doesn't know, Pol."
    "Does he know where it's going to happen?" Belgarath asked intently.
    Toth spread his hands.
    "That young lady's really beginning to irritate me." The old man looked at Beldin.
    "What do you think?"
    "I don't see that we have much choice, Belgarath. If this event's supposed to happen in Darshiva and we avoid the place, it might not happen at

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