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Titel: Spillover Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: David Quammen
Vom Netzwerk:
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    Pépin, Jacques, und Eric H. Frost: »Reply to Marx et al.«, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Correspondence 52, 2011.
    Pépin, Jacques, und Annie-Claude Labbé: »Noble Goals, Unforeseen Consequences: Control of Tropical Diseases in Colonial Central Africa and the Iatrogenic Transmission of Blood-borne Diseases«, Tropical Medicine and International Health 13 (6), 2008.
    Pépin, Jacques, Annie-Claude Labbé, Fleurie Mamadou-Yaya, Pascal Mbélesso, Sylvestre Mbadingaï, Sylvie Deslandes, Marie-Claude Locas und Eric Frost: »Iatrogenic Transmission of Human T Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 and Hepatitis C Virus through Parenteral Treatment and Chemoprophylaxis of Sleeping Sickness in Colonial Equatorial Africa«, Clinical Infectious Diseases 51, 2010.
    Pépin, K. M., S. Lass, J. R. Pulliam, A. F. Read und J. O. Lloyd-Smith: »Identifying Genetic Markers of Adaptation for Surveillance of Viral Host Jumps«, Nature 8, 2010.
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    Plowright, R. K., H. E. Field, C. Smith, A. Divljan, C. Palmer, G. Tabor, P. Daszak und J. E. Foley: »Reproduction and Nutritional Stress Are Risk Factors for Hendra Virus Infection in Little Red Flying Foxes ( Pteropus scapulatus )«, Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275, 2008.
    Plowright, Raina K., P. Foley, H. E. Field, A. P. Dobson, J. E. Foley, P. Eby und P. Daszak: »Urban Habituation, Ecological Connectivity and Epidemic Dampening: The Emergence of Hendra Virus from Flying Foxes ( Pteropus spp.)«, Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278, 2011.
    Popovic, M., M. G. Sarngadharan, E. Read und R. C. Gallo: »Detection, Isolation, and Continuous Production of Cytopathic Retroviruses (HTLV-III) from Patients with AIDS and Pre-AIDS«, Science 224, 1984.
    Poon, L. L. M., D. K. W. Chu, K. H. Chan, O. K. Wong, T. M. Ellis, Y. H. C. Leung, S. K. P. Lau et al.: »Identification of a Novel Coronavirus in Bats«, Journal of Virology 79 (4), 2005.
    Pourrut, X., B. Kumulungui, T. Wittmann, G. Moussavou, A. Délicat, P. Yaba, D. Nkoghe et al.: »The Natural History of Ebola Virus in Africa«, Microbes and Infection 7, 2005.
    Poutanen, S. M., D. E. Low, B. Henry, S. Finkelstein, D. Rose, K. Green, R. Tellier et al.: »Identification of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Canada«, New England Journal of Medicine 348 (20), 2003.
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    Price-Smith, Andrew T.: Contagion and Chaos: Disease, Ecology, and National Security in the Era of Globalization . Cambridge, MA, 2009.
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    Reeves, Jacqueline D., und Robert W. Doms: »Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2«, Journal of General Virology 83 2002.
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    Rich, Stephen M., Fabian H. Leendertz, Guang Xu, Matthew

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