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Tales of the City 04 - Babycakes

Tales of the City 04 - Babycakes

Titel: Tales of the City 04 - Babycakes Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Armistead Maupin
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and his face seemed devoid of all emotion as he turned and headed in her direction.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” she replied.
He sat down on the bench, but kept his distance. “Shouldn’t you be at work today?”
“I called in sick.”
He nodded, hands dangling between his knees. “Is Simon still …?”
“He’s back in England. He left yesterday.”
He sat there in silence for a long time. When he finally spoke, he addressed his remarks to the ground. “I wasn’t doing a number on you. I needed time to think.”
“I know.”
“I couldn’t do it here. There was too much to …”
“I understand completely.”
“Stop doing that,” he said edgily.
“Just let me talk. I’m not looking for explanations. I’ve worked this out.” She nodded. “O.K.”
“I think I should go,” he said. “Go?”
“Live somewhere else for a while. Find another job, maybe. I’ve got no function here.”
“Brian, please don’t …”
“Listen to me, Mary Ann! I’m almost forty and I haven’t left a mark on anything. I can’t even give my wife everything she wants. I can’t even do that.”
“But you do!”
“I don’t. What the fuck was that little scene about, huh?”
“It wasn’t about that, Brian. It was …”
“It doesn’t matter. I know how I feel, Mary Ann. It’ll only get worse if I stay here.”
“Do you know how I feel, Brian? What would happen to me if you left?”
“You’d handle it,” he said, smiling faintly. “That’s one of the things I like about you. You’re strong.”
“I’m not strong.”
“You’re stronger than I am,” he said. “I’m a soft male.”
“A what?”
“Chip Hardesty’s got a vacant studio in his new place. He says I can stay there until …”
“Brian, for God’s sake!” The tears had begun to stream down her face. “We’re in love with each other, aren’t we?”
He wouldn’t look at her. “There has to be more than that, sweetheart.”
“Like what?”
“I dunno. A reason. A purpose.”
“We’ll find you a job, then.”
He shook his head. “ I ’ ll find me a job.”
“Well, sure … but you can do that here.”
“Uh … excuse me.” It was a third voice, awkwardly interceding. They both looked toward the lych-gate, where a tall, heavily freckled man was standing. “Mary Ann?”
She rose, wiping her eyes. “Yeah … that’s me.”
The man came forward. He was in his early twenties, but his corn-fed demeanor and prominent ears and the canvas sack slung from his neck instantly suggested the clumsy kid who had been her paperboy fifteen years ago in Cleveland.
Only this time he wasn’t delivering the paper.
This time he was delivering a baby.
    Familiar Mysteries
T HE FIRST THING MICHAEL NOTICED WERE THE HYACINTHS in the garden, half a dozen pale pink erections smiling in the face of death. He smiled back at them, rejoicing in his family, savoring his return to the family seat.
Mrs. Madrigal spotted him from her kitchen window and hooted a greeting. He set down his suitcase and motioned for her to come outside. She emerged seconds later, almost running, rubbing her hands on her apron. “Dear boy,” she crooned, hugging him heartily. “You’ve been sorely missed.”
“Thanks for the hyacinths,” he said.
“What? Oh … you’re welcome. You look wonderful, dear. You’ve put on some weight.”
“Don’t say that.”
“Well … oh, don’t be such a man. Your beauty is still intact. C’mon. Let’s get that bag inside. Mary Ann and Brian will want to see you.” She grabbed his suitcase and led the way, charging toward the house.
“Good,” said Michael. “He’s back, then.”
She looked at him as she shouldered her way through the front door. “You knew about that?”
He nodded. “We talked on the phone. She was freaked.”
“Well … she’s fine now.”
He reached for the suitcase. “Let me carry …”
“No. You’ve had a long flight. We’ll leave this in the foyer for the time being.” She dropped the suitcase and flung open the door of her apartment. “And you’ll stop in for a very small sherry.”
“Great,” he replied. “Wait a minute, let me get something.” He stooped to open his suitcase, then dug around in a side pocket until he found the envelope. “This is from Mona,” he explained, handing it to her.
“Where on earth …?”
“In England.” He smiled.
“You can’t mean it!”
He nodded. “She’s in good shape. She’s happy, and she wants you to come visit her.”

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