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The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents

Titel: The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Terry Pratchett
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think. Rats who don't turn and run. Rats who aren't afraid of dark or fire or noises or traps or poisons. Nothing can stop rats like you, right?'
    Now the words bubbled up. 'You heard about the Dark Wood in the Book? Well, we're in the Dark Wood now. There's something else down there. Something terrible. It hides behind your fear. It thinks it can stop you and it's wrong . We're going to find it and drag it out and we're gonna make it wish we'd never been born ! And if we die… well,' and he saw them, as one rat, stare at the livid wound across his chest, 'death ain't so bad. Shall I tell you about the Bone Rat? He waits for those who break and run, who hide, who falter. But if you stare into his eyes he'll give you a nod and pass right on.'
    Now he could smell their excitement. In the world behind their eyes they were the bravest rats that there ever were. Now he had to lock that thought there.
    Without thinking, he touched the wound. It was healing badly, still leaking blood, and there was going to be a huge scar there for ever. He brought his hand up, with his own blood, and the idea came to him right out of his bones.
    He walked along the row, touching each rat just above the eyes, leaving a red mark. 'And afterwards,' he said quietly, 'people will say, "They went there, and they did it, and they came back out of the Dark Wood, and this is how they know their own".'
    He looked across their heads to Sardines, who raised his hat. That broke the spell. The rats started to breathe again. But something of the magic was still there, lodged in the gleam of an eye and the twitch of a tail.
    'Ready to die for the Clan, Sardines?' Darktan shouted.
    'No, boss! Ready to kill!'
    'Good,' said Darktan. 'Let's go. We love the Dark Wood! It belongs to us!'
    The smell of light drifted along the tunnels and reached the face of Maurice, who sniffed it up. Peaches! She was mad about light. It was more or less all Dangerous Beans could see. She always carried a few matches. Mad! Creatures that lived in darkness, carrying matches! Well, obviously not mad when you thought about it, but even so…
    The rats behind were pushing him in that direction. I'm being played with, he thought. Batted from paw to paw so Spider can hear me squeak.
    He heard in his head the voice of Spider: And so, in your despair, you come, at last, to me…
    And heard with his ears, far off and faint, the voice of Dangerous Beans. 'Who are you?'
    I am the Big Rat That Lives Underground .
    'You are? Really. I have thought… a lot about you.'
    There was a hole in the wall here and, beyond it, the brilliance of a lighted match. Sensing the press of the rats behind him, Maurice sidled through.
    There were big rats everywhere, on the floor, on boxes, clinging to the walls. And, in the centre, a circle of light from one half-burned match held aloft by a trembling Peaches. Dangerous Beans was standing a little in front of her, staring up at a stack of boxes and sacks.
    Peaches spun around. As she did so the flame of the match blew wide and flared. The nearest rats jerked away as it did so, bending like a wave.
    'Maurice?' she said.
    The cat will not move, said the voice of Spider.
    Maurice tried to, and his paws wouldn't obey him.
    Be still, CAT. Or I shall command your lungs to stop. See, little rats? Even a cat obeys me!
    'Yes. I see you have a power,' said Dangerous Beans, tiny in the circle of light.
    Clever rat. I have heard you talk to the others. You understand the truth. You know that by facing the dark we become strong. You know about the darkness in front of us and the darkness behind the eyes. You know that we co-operate or die. Will you… CO-OPERATE?
    'Co-operate?' said Maurice. His nose wrinkled. 'Like these other rats I smell here? They smell… strong and stupid.'
    But the strong survive, said the voice of Spider. They dodge the rat-catchers and bite their way out of cages. And, like you, they are called to me. As for their minds… I can think for everyone .
    'I, alas, am not strong,' said Dangerous Beans, carefully.
    You have an interesting mind. You, too, look forward to the domination of rats .
    'Domination?' said Dangerous Beans. 'Do I?'
    You will have worked out that there is a race in this world which steals and kills and spreads disease and despoils what it cannot use, said the voice of Spider.
    'Yes,' said Dangerous Beans. 'That's easy. It's called humanity.'
    Well done. See my fine rats? In a few hours the silly piper will come and play his

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