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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
notifying law enforcement needed to be researched.
    They thanked Ms. Towns and bid her goodbye and left. This case wasn’t going away. It was a county organization. Unfortunately there were many politics to deal with. After all, this was an election year. Halloway and Griffin both wondered if there would be nearly as much attention to the child abuse issues if it weren’t. No one would ever know.
    They were bombarded by call after call and tons of e-mail from people wanting to know what was being done about Family Services. They expected something to be done, and by God someone had to take care of it.

Part Eleven
    Back to Work

Chapter 94
    Arriving down town when it was still early gave the Guardian the advantage. He always parked down the street several blocks away. He did this for several reasons. One, the parking was just a mess down town. It was easier and the walking didn’t bother him in the least. Secondly, it kept his vehicles out of the sight of anyone who may be watching for him or any suspicious looking vehicles. His vehicles weren’t all that odd looking. It was always just better to be safe than sorry.
    As he made his way down the street towards the courthouse he couldn’t help noticing the people as they walked past him. They were hurrying, with their suits and fancy dresses. The professional people who worked down here, the ones always in far too big of a hurry. He wondered if they ever slowed down enough to take time to smell the roses.
    Then of course, there were the homeless and disadvantaged. They were everywhere. They were never in a hurry it seemed. Why would they be? Where did they have to go? Outside, as you passed them, their hands were out, begging for change. The stench of them was just too overpowering for words. The sad thing, most of them choose this way of life. They probably had millions if not thousands in a bank somewhere.
    He trotted up the steps, went through the metal detectors, and past the sheriffs there. He climbed the stairs to the court rooms. He was starting from one end and went through all the courts, one at a time.
    The doors were all closed. Courts were obviously in session, so he wasn’t too worried about disturbing anyone. All he wanted to do was read down the lists of names, seeing who was charged with what. If he happened to catch something of significance, a name that he might recognize he would stop. If it seemed important enough he would go inside.
    As he read down the rosters, his eye caught the name. It literally jumped out at him. Martin Dorsey, right there bold as brass. He was in a preliminary hearing for possible child endangerment and sexual abuse.
    Looking around he saw no one at all in the hall ways. He carefully and quietly opened the door and slipped inside. He carefully closed the door so it didn’t make any noise. He made his way silently over to the nearest bench and took a seat.
    What played out before him was neither shocking nor surprising. It was the same scenario. It went on, day after day, case after case.
    The Guardian was just catching the tail end of the hearing. It was enough to fuel his anger. The judge had ruled there wasn’t sufficient evidence to proceed with a trial. He hadn’t actually been caught in the act. The system was releasing yet another monster onto the streets to prey on our weak and innocent. All based on hearsay.
    He rose from his seat and quietly left the courtroom. As he left the courthouse he thought to himself, “Well, breaks over, time to go back to work.”

Chapter 95
    Tony’s mother had finally put two and two together. She compiled her information and evidence. She retained a lawyer and filed charges against him. Unfortunately, because no one saw him do it they dropped the charges and let him go. Martin got this break nearly every time. That’s how slick he was.
    Martin Dorsey was a smug, arrogant and a self-righteous individual. Right now he was walking on water. He felt damn confident. He was controlling just about everything in his life.
    That bitch and her son tried to get him, but the joke was on them. They tried to bring him down but they all failed. He was so smug about it all that he bragged about it. It was almost as though he were glad that he got away with his sick, disgusting and perverted pedophiliac activities. There was no witness. How slick was that?
    Martin had even gone so far as to admit to the men in the AOL gay men chat room and a trucker’s message forum about his fantasies of

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