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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
he had done. God he loved it. It had actually given him a hard on that wouldn’t quit just thinking about the control he had over them.
    Once he got home he made sure that the girls were fed well. It was good healthy food too. He wouldn't give some crappy TV dinners or kid stuff. Jack was also making sure that they were made as comfortable as could be, all things considered. He would let them shower in the house every so often. One at a time so he could watch and help to scrub them. The whining and crying had pretty much stopped. They had finally concluded that it wasn’t going to do any good. The walls to the old wine cellar were so thick no one could hear them even if they did scream.
    When ever Jack went out, he always made sure that he wasn’t being followed. He never took a direct route home. Considering where he lived made things a bit complicated. But he’d rather be safe than sorry. Quite actually, it was becoming a pain in the ass. If anyone were following him, they surely would have nabbed him by now. Perhaps he could slack off a little bit. After all, he rarely took the van. It was always the Jag.
    The problem was he wanted to bring home another playmate. Two weeks had gone by. They surely would think that the first two were gone for good. At lest that was the impression he was getting. He didn’t want to get to careless. He couldn’t afford to let his guard down. Jack was in need of a new plaything. The urge was very strong. He’d just be careful and take his time. That was all. He’d just take his time and be extra cautious. That’s what he would do. First thing in the morning, he would go out and start scouting for his next victim. It would take him a few days to work out the details. He couldn’t just pull up and snag some kid off the street. That would be too careless. Look what happened to that black guy who tried to snag that one girl. Some woman that the girl didn’t even know saw him. She had followed him, and confronted him. Even though the girl got out of his car, she took down his license number and the cops were all over him. He damn sure didn’t need that kinda of heat. Especially with the two he already had. No, he’d take his time. He had the two other ones as it was and could use them in the mean time. He would have to make do and be patient.
    Jack busied himself in his kitchen making dinner for the two girls. He was humming and whistling feeling rather pleased about it all. It was Friday night. It was steak and potatoes night. He’d do up a little stir fry mix for vegetables. Even though the silverware was plastic, he’d cut everything up for them so they wouldn’t have any trouble. He knew that they didn’t have any complaints really. He was actually pretty good to them. He was almost sure that they enjoyed their little games as much as he did. Yes, this was working out quite well.
    He finished making up both trays and loaded them on the small cart. He used it to wheel the items down the walk that led to the wine cellar. He grabbed a bottle of Chablis off the rack. It was a nice vintage white. Next he grabbed three glasses. It would be a special surprise for them tonight. He’d get them a little buzzed and maybe they’d be more relaxed for him.
    When he got to the cellar he looked around, making sure that he wasn’t being watched. He felt utterly ridiculous. No one could possibly see over the walls. The whole thing had made him a bit paranoid. It never entered his mind that it was the guilt of it all. However, it’d only been two weeks. He’d get over that.
    Moving the foliage and unlocking the door he took the cart inside. He started to get excited just like he always did when ever he came to visit them.
    Switching on the lights, the tunnel lit up as he made his way to the two rooms at the far end.
    “Hello girls, Daddy brought you dinner. You’ll love it too. We’ve got steak and potatoes, nice steamed vegetables, and for an added surprise a nice white wine, how about that?”
    They never answered. They just waited for him. He looked in through the little trap door centered on the big door at the first girl. She had sat up on her bed.
    “Here you go my dear.” He said as he slid the tray through the slot in the door.
    The small girl slowly got up off her bed, came over, and took the tray. She took it to her table and began eating without saying a word.
    As for the second girl, she was older. She had more spunk in her. “Here you go my dear.” He said again,

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