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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
feeling a bit nervous about the whole thing.
    “We’ll get Singletary and Smythe to back us up. They’re pretty much up to speed on this whole thing anyway. They can be trusted to keep a lid on things.”
    “That sounds good to me. Let’s get them both in here and get them caught up on what has just transpired so they’ll be able to make arrangements if they need to.”
    John got on the phone and called both of the other officers to his office. It was only a matter of minutes before the two of them were knocking on his door.
    “Come on in here you two. Close the door. We’ve got a job for you, and we need to go over a few things.”
    Smythe and Singletary looked at each other, smiled and at the exact same time said, “The Guardian” and did a high five.
    “Don’t get too excited.” Laura pointed to them, “He’s working with us.”
    The two officers looked at each other again. Only this time they didn’t say a word. They just had a look of surprise on their faces as they turned to Laura, same blank look on their faces.
    “How the hell did that happen?” Smythe was asking. “Did I miss something here?”
    Halloway just looked at the two of them, shaking his head. “No, you didn’t miss anything. There have been some things we’ve discussed and he’s willing to help us find the two missing little girls.”
    “In exchange for what?” Singletary wanted to know.
    “Well,” Laura started, “He walks away, we get the collar and all is forgiven.”
    “What bullshit.” It was Smythe’s turn to bitch. “He’s broken the law, injured people…..”
    “Ya, but who did he injure? He only brought justice to the ones who deserved it.” Laura was trying to be the convincing one playing the Devil’s advocate.
    “Man, you two are nuts. This guy could be a nut bag. You don’t know what he’ll do.” He looked at the two of them. He wasn’t having any effect on either of them what so ever. He just shrugged his shoulders. “Well, okay. Where does that bring us into this little love triangle you guys got going?”
    John came from around behind his desk and sat on the corner. “He wants to set up a meet with us, just us two. We need you two as back up just in case something goes goofy on us.”
    “And he’ll be expecting this right?” Singletary was anxious to know.
    “I’m quite sure of it. We know it, he knows it, but we’ll feel a lot safer if you two are there and out of sight, just in case. It’s a show of faith if you will. He doesn’t see you, he feels comfortable, we know you’re there, we feel comfortable.”
    “When is this going to happen?”
    “We’re not sure exactly. He’s going to call us back. We just wanted you guys to be aware so you can plan around it so we can move at the last minute if we have to.
    “Either of you have any questions? Okay then. Keep your radios on and we’ll give you a shout as soon as we know.”
    Now it was just a simple matter of waiting. That was the hard part, the waiting. However, if it brought this sick bastard in and saved the lives of those two young girls, he could have the patience of Jobe. Chapter 56
    Jack sat outside the Andre Aggasi boys and girls club on the corner of Martin Luther King and Washington. It was a fairly long drive from his house out on SR160. That was okay. He wanted to keep the points that they focused on as separate as possible.
    If he kept to the same area, they might start to figure who he was. They’d figure out where he had them or just start following him. It was important that he not concentrate on one area. Besides, on this side of town it would be easier to influence some young girl who was in need of things. It would be easier than some snobby little bitch over in Summerlin.
    As he watched from the bank parking lot across the street, he noticed the majority of the kids were black or Hispanic. He realized that he’d never been involved with a black girl before. The thoughts of such a thing excited him.
    He’d made his decision. He would watch for a young black girl. He always did like trying new things. A thought crossed his mind. Every black woman that he had ever come in contact with or seen had a fiery disposition. They all gave the impression that they were the ones wearing the pants in the family. Even the TV commercials showing a black couple, the woman was always bossing the husband. She was the one in charge. He wondered if the young girls were the same way. If that were the case he’d surely

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