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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
and again sliding the tray through the slot.
    “I’m not your dear. When are you going to let me out of here?” She hissed at him. She was tired of having to be quiet all the time.
    “Look, we’ve been all over that issue. Just enjoy your dinner and I’ll be back shortly. The wine is very good. It will help you relax. Go ahead, try it, you’ll love it.” He said and watched as she bent over, grabbed her tray and went to her table.
    She could be as spunky as she liked. But she wasn’t stupid. The food was damn good and she knew she had to eat. She had thrown her tray at the door once. Not eating for a day or two had cured her of that little habit. In addition, he’d taken all of her clothes away. Turning her over his knee and spanking her bare ass not only taught her a lesson but got him uncontrollably aroused. After he had used her to satisfy himself, he took all of her clothes and made her stay completely naked. It was very humiliating for her. He would purposefully come to her room and make her do things so she would have to parade around in front of him. Two days later, he came back with her nightgown and she was quite a bit more respectable.
    She’d be fine. It would just take her a little longer is all. She was just a little older and would need some more training. He’d come back after they were done eating and show her who was boss. Jack would make sure that he went out of his way this time. He couldn’t allow any back talk or smart ass attitudes. They had to understand who was in charge here. That was the bottom line. They were here to obey, that was all, nothing else.
    Chapter 55
    The phone was ringing. Nobody answered it. Halloway and Griffin looked at each other. Singletary was motioning to them from the outer area through the big glass window in John’s office. It was the Guardian, calling back.
    Laura looked at John as if to say, “I told you so.” He ignored her and picked up the receiver.
    “Okay.” The voice said. “No more bullshit games. This is your last chance to work with me or I find a way to handle it myself. And trust me. You won’t like what you find. I’ll leave an even bigger mess. This guy isn’t just a perverted pedophile. He’s a kidnapper, maybe even a murder.”
    “What do you have in mind?” John wanted to know.
    “Regardless, no matter what happens, I walk away. You guys can have all your glory bullshit. All I care about is making sure these girls are returned home safe. After we have them home safe, if and when you ever catch up to me, then we’ll worry about my consequences. That’s my deal.”
    Halloway thought about it for a minute. “I can’t give you any guarantees, you know that.”
    “I know that’s bullshit too. Your cop buddies walk away from their screw-up’s all the time. In case you’ve forgotten, we’re on the same side here. We both want the same thing.”
    “Okay, I’ll do the very best that I can. That’s all I can promise.”
    “Trust me John. You don’t want to cross me. Okay. I will be in touch. I’ll give you a place, time and specific instructions about the meet.”
    “How will we know who you are?”
    “You won’t. To be perfectly honest, you won’t even see me.”
    “Well then how…...
    The Guardian cut him off, “Just leave that to me.” Suddenly the phone went dead.
    “How do you like that? What an arrogant asshole. He thinks that he can just call all the shots.” John was seething mad.
    “Well honey, I hate to say it but I think he is.” Laura said, trying not to laugh.
    “I guess you’re right. I’m not sure what to expect at this point. I guess we’ll just have to play along and see how it goes.”
    Laura was standing there, rubbing her chin, thinking aloud. “He’s got to know that we won’t go anywhere without somebody knowing where we are. Surely he does right?”
    “It’s for sure he’s not stupid. He doesn’t want to trap us. He just wants to make sure he has an escape route. That’s all. I honestly think that he sincerely wants to work with us.”
    “What about Capt. Gregory?” Laura had brought up a good point.
    “What about him. We just let him know enough to keep him at a distance.” John said, looking at Laura as though it were a question not a statement.
    “Oh sure. And what if all the shit goes south on us? You gonna be the one to clean it all up with him?”
    “It’ll be fine, I’m sure of it. I think. Well let’s just hope so anyway.” He was actually

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