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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
astonishing. Just for the sake of killing time, he decided to ride through a couple of them. He just wanted to see if any of the addresses popped up.
    Most of them weren’t nearly completed yet. The roads hadn’t been finished. It struck him as odd that they hadn’t put the roads in first. It didn’t take him long to conclude if anyone was hiding two young girls. It wouldn’t be in one of these tracts. It would be somewhere that they would have privacy. He gave that some considerable thought. He hit the throttle and headed for home. He had to get his maps out. He wanted to do some double-checking of those addresses. It dawned on him that it could very possibly be one of those large, secluded places set back off the road. That, he thought, made perfect sense.
    Chapter 64
    Jack was admiring his handy work. Okay, so it wasn’t Maaco quality work. It didn’t look so bad. You could definitely tell that it was done by an amateur though. Who cared, it wasn’t his primary transportation. Everything was in his mother’s name so he figured he’d be in the clear if they discovered either of them. He really did need to get that taken care. He decided as an after thought, he’d take care of it. . He hated lawyers. They were just a bunch of money grubbing, low life, bottom feeders. The ambulance chasers were the worst. God, Vegas had tons of those.
    The Jag and van both were registered to his mother. He simply went on line and renewed everything every year. They weren’t even aware that the old woman was dead. The only people who even saw him were the guys at the Jiffy Smog places. Why would they? They just wanted your money. Who would go to the trouble to smog a stolen car? The Jag was so old it didn’t need a smog check. It was just easier this way. As long as he kept them up and kept the maintenance on them they’d last forever.
    Jack pulled off the gloves and removed the rag from his face. The coveralls, and the rest of the stuff he pulled off and put them in a pile beside the garage door. He gathered up the paper, masking tape and empty paint cans and put them in large plastic trash bags.
    Next, he took off all of his clothes. Standing there naked, he put the clothes and other items into another bag and tied them off. He set them outside the garage door beside the others. He didn’t want any piece of clothing with any of the over spray on it anywhere near the place. His paranoia was high. He was taking no chances what so ever.
    You could see a bit of over spray had blown back onto the body of the van. That was to be expected. It only made sense that it was on his clothes. It would probably not wash out. The finish of the paint was rough. It did not have that smooth, shiny finish that he had hoped it would. He guessed that it was because he had done it outside. Especially with spray, cans. He couldn’t buff it out. He surely wasn’t going to invest in any buffing machines or compounds like the article suggested. This was a good, as it would get.
    The coats weren’t even either. You could see where he had gone back and forth, where there were strips that were lighter or darker in spots. It really was a crappy job. What could he do? He didn’t have time to worry about that right now. He wasn’t going to spend any more time or money on it. He just wanted to disguise it. He pulled the van back into the garage. He looked around and made sure that he’d thoroughly cleaned up his mess and locked the van. He closed the garage doors and locked it as well. Satisfied with himself, he turned and left.
    Jack walked back to the house. He went to the huge master bath to take a shower. He turned the water on so it was as hot as he could stand it. He climbed in and stood there, gritting his teeth. His arms out straight in front of him. He leaned against the wall of the shower. His skin was beat red from the pounding, hot water as it hit his back and shoulders.
    He turned around. The piercing stream of hot water sprayed over his back. When he could stand it no longer he grabbed the body wash and lathered all over. Remembering his two little friends in the Cellar, he immediately got an erection, smiled and proceeded to relieve the pressure in his loins.
    When he was done he toweled himself dry. He walked around the large bedroom trying to decide what he was going to wear. He liked walking around the house naked. He could never do that when they had all those housekeepers and staff. Now he was in control. He could do what

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