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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
ever he wanted to and no one could do anything about it. Jack was in charge, just like it was supposed to be.
    He paused in front of the large mirrors on his wardrobe doors. Turning and profiling, he looked at himself, admiring his well developed body. Standing there looking at himself got him erect again. He liked what he saw. He was sure that his little roommates felt the same way. How could they not.
    Smiling he pulled out the clothes he was going to wear and finished dressing. He had too much to do and couldn’t waste time admiring his image in the mirror. He had decided though it would be a good idea to bring each one of them up here, one at a time. They could watch themselves as they played their games with him. Oh, yes, that was a good idea.
    That was enough of that for now. He was getting aroused again. He must concentrate and get dressed. He had time for his fantasies later. Yes, later that would be it. He’d play later.
    Chapter 65
    Halloway and Griffin rode back to the office after their meet with the Guardian. It wasn’t the tense and drama like situation that they had expected.
    “You know John, this guy doesn’t seem as bad as all that, don’t you think?” Laura asked.
    “I know. He’s become a hero to you, but don’t forget your position on this okay?”
    “He’s not a hero, Jesus. I just think that we need to use what ever means are available to us.”
    “Well, I hate to agree, but you’re right. We need to focus on the end result.”
    “And you hate it when I’m right.” Laura said smiling
    “That too, but I’m thinking, what if he doesn’t turn whatever he finds over to us? What then?”
    “I think we need to give him the benefit of the doubt.” Laura was trying to keep it positive.
    “Focusing on the what-ifs and negativism isn’t going to help us concentrate on what’s in front of us.”
    “He doesn’t have the best track record.” John added.
    “Why, because of the way he deals with the filth of Las Vegas? It isn’t quite kosher?”
    “Not quite kosher? It’s illegal Laura, for Christ’s sake. Jesus, sometimes I think you’ve forgotten what side of the law you’re on.”
    It was very difficult for her to keep the two separate. As an officer of the law, she knew that what the Guardian was doing wasn’t in line with the law. However, he was getting results. If somebody steals money from the bank or a charity or some old lady’s welfare check it’s just scandalous. On the other hand, if you steal money from drug dealers or people who deal with human trafficking you never hear about it. Thieves are not going to go to the cops. That’s the bottom line.
    The Guardian had done physical harm, some irreversible. So was the scars they inflicted on their victims. He had caused life long scarring true, but the result was the mistreatment and abuse of others had stopped. So, was it worth harming one to stop the damage to countless others? There was a very fine line here. It was a moral issue at best.
    There were many supporters to what he was doing and what he stood for. It appeared the only ones apposing him were the predators and the sickos that were out there hunting down innocent children.
    “Okay, let’s suppose for instance we did bring him in.” Laura wasn’t done making her case, obviously. John just smiled and sighed.
    “All right, I’ll bite.” He said.
    “What are the odds that we could get an impartial jury? Practically everyone out there is on his side. Anyone standing up against him would be presumed as one of the types of people that he is going after, don’t you think?”
    “You’re probably right” John said, “But, what about the religious activists? Whose side do you think the Catholic priests would be on?”
    “Oh John, please. They’re probably the worst offenders out there. Don’t you read the news papers?”
    “Okay, that was a bad example. However, if it will get you to get off my ass about this, I concede. I’m going along with it. I’ve agreed to work with him, see how far it goes. But the first sign it gets out of hand, we end it and that’s it, end of story.” John said, trying to stand his ground.
    He knew what the Guardian was doing was wrong. He also knew that he agreed with him. He was just like Laura.
    “I just don’t think you have to worry about him, so yes, that’s fine. I’ll take that bet. I promise not to bring it up again.”
    John just looked at her, “today maybe.” They drove the rest of the way back

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