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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
one was city or town. He was interested in prior and current owners so he clicked on that.
    Entering the information in the blocks from the sheet he had been given from John and Laura he clicked the submit button. Then he waited.
    After retrieving the information on the owners of the property on his list, he then went to Map Quest and entered each one. He was using the address of the Harrah’s Casino just inside the state. He never used his address and that was closest to him. He wasn’t going to risk putting his address in there in the event something or someone traced it back to him.
    Once he had the directions to each one, he laid out his large city map. He marked each one with a pushpin and drew lines with a yellow highlighter. It was just like connecting the dots.
    When he’d finished he stood back, looking at the map. There were only two addresses with large secluded acreage. They also had a white van in the addresses on SR160 where he passed coming in. He would focus on those two addresses first.
    He was convinced that whoever had the girls had to have a place secluded enough to feel safe with that fact. Taking a red Sharpie pen, he circled those two addresses.
    Picking up the maps, papers and the items he had strewn around, he tidied up his mess and decided to take a nap. He’d wait until it was dark and pay his first two suspects a visit.
    It was almost like a vision coming to him. He could feel it. It was a feeling that it was all coming to an end very soon. It was just a feeling he had. He trusted his feelings. He could feel it. He couldn’t wait.

Part Seven
    The Chase

Chapter 67
    Jack Gorman pulled the van back inside the garage. He had to let the paint dry. He didn’t want to be driving it around and have it start running or something being stuck to the paint.
    After locking up the garage, he went back to the house to change. He was going to go scout another guest for his little harem. He liked that, harem; it had a nice ring to it. He chuckled, harem, he said again. Ya HAREM, he was feeling quite pleased with himself. That’s what he would call it from now on. “Jack’s Harem” He really liked that. Okay so he wasn’t a Muslim, what the hell. He had the young girls who were his entertainers or servants.
    The fact they were so young assured him he could train them to do and behave just as he wanted them to. If they didn’t, well there would be consequences. He’d never kill them. That would make him a monster, a murderer. He wanted to enjoy them. After all, they were there for his pleasure and entertainment that was all.
    So far, there hadn’t been any major problems. Of course, it was taking them some time getting used to their new surroundings. Both of the girls were becoming a bit moody. The one girl, the first one had tried resisting, but only once. Once he had shown her what resisting got her, she was more willing the next time around.
    He really did need to reward them he thought. The games were more enjoyable if they weren’t so morose all the time. That’s what he would do. He would get each of them a new outfit to wear. They needed something sexy. It would be something revealing, something that would give them a good feeling about themselves. That should make them happy. They needed something to boost their spirits.
    Dressing quickly, he grabbed the keys to the Jag and wallet and headed out the door. What a wonderful idea, he was quite excited about it. He’d never really done shopping for anyone. When he was growing up, usually around Christmas, the maid had gotten things for him to give his mother. Most times, he hadn’t even seen them until Christmas morning when his mother opened them.
    “Oh Jack dear, this is so lovely, how did you know?” She would say. The whole time Jack was trying very hard not to show his surprise. Of course, the old Spanish bitch of a housekeeper would be standing there, beaming, gloating over her handiwork. His mother probably knew the truth anyway.
    This was definitely a special occasion for him. He would get something that they would like. Feeling a bit generous, he decided that they shouldn’t be kept in night gowns all the time. He had to admit that it was probably a little depressing. He’d get them both something sexy to wear. He wasn’t exactly sure where to go though. This was all new territory for him. He couldn’t ask anyone. Surely, a grown man inquiring about lingerie for two small girls would raise suspicion. Well, he’d just

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