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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
in silence. Each one lost in their own thoughts. Sometimes Laura hated her job. It wasn’t easy riding the fence. There was a fine line between right and wrong, good and evil. Everything was a damn judgment call. The laws were so vague. There was so much room for interpretation. The bad guys were going free, getting plea deals. They walked away with nothing but a slap on the wrist while the victims were the ones that were suffering the most.
    You can almost see why someone would want to take matters into their own hands. Children were being picked off the streets like apples off of a tree. What was the fascination in young children? What would drive a grownup, an adult to want to sexually abuse, sell, trade or torture the young innocent people? It was all about money and control.
    The child pornography industry was booming. All of the web sites, prostitution rings, and human traders were all operating overseas. They were all in the confines of no extradition countries. Everyone had the impression that that’s why Michael Jackson decided to move and convert to Muslim.He even moved to some weird country. Staying under the radar he can’t be reached by US officials. It was business as usual. It was sickening to think about.
    Until something was done about the laws in this country, things were never going to change. Thailand, Korea, and the Philippines were starting to get on board slowly and were showing signs of changing their laws. It may have been for show. The arrest of Gary Glitter in Viet Nam, and a few others was a start. The illegal cartels controlled the governments. That was the bottom line. Money is a very powerful thing. With the billions of dollars made in the child markets, there was plenty to go around.
    No, she was willing to accept the small things like The Guardian if it meant working towards keeping the children safe. She had never had kids of her own, but she did have siblings. Her friends had children and it made no difference to her. She would still feel as badly if anything were to happen to them as if they were her own. Yes, sometimes she really hated her job. Especially times like this.
    Laura looked over at John. He was an attractive man, nice build, personable. She wasn’t sure how he looked at her though. What ever the impression she was sure that she was perceived as a hard ass. The tough, hard, untouchable outer exterior that she displayed was for her protection.
    Being a female cop was very demanding and a complicated life. Most civilians thought that she surely had to be a lesbian to be a cop so they never approached her. It was very stereotypical indeed. Fellow police officers wouldn’t think of asking her out because of the image that she had to display. That was only to get to where she was. No one would have taken her seriously otherwise.
    Laura often thought about her lack of social life. How nice it would be to have some male companionship on occasion. Unfortunately, when she did meet someone as soon as she mentioned that she was a cop, it was an instant deal breaker.
    Oh well she thought. It was her choice. She loved her job and the gratifications and rewards made it worth the effort. Looking over at John, she couldn’t fathom in her wildest imagination how anyone could be sexually attracted to a young child. It was just beyond her comprehension. Well, that’s what she was here for, to protect the innocent.
    John sensed Laura staring at him. “What?” He asked.
    “Oh nothing, I was just thinking.” She said and turned away. If he knew, what she was thinking.
    Chapter 66
    The Guardian got home, parked the bike in the large shed next to his house, locked everything up and went inside.
    After powering up his computer, he gathered up his maps and charts of the area. He was going to focus on all the areas that had an address that was secluded or in some other means tucked in out of the way.
    As he looked over the area, he could see that there were about a half a dozen homes, specifically off SR160. They all met with the criteria he was looking for.
    He went to the computer, pulled up the Clark County web site. Next, he pulled up the Assessor’s Office Property Records. Under real property records, he clicked on address. The page that came up was parcel number inquiry. Below that were a series of blocks to fill in information such as street number, street direction etc. Then the street name and type like street or, avenue. He continued to fill in what ever was next. The last

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