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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
what to do.
    He tried to get up and run but John was on him in a flash. He shoved him to the ground, pressing the barrel of his gun into the back of his ear. “Move and I’ll blow your fucking brains all over these nice new clothes.” He said.
    Laura was right behind him, pulling her handcuffs out as John wrenched the man’s arms behind him.
    The man was struggling, wrestling trying to get his arms free, trying to fight to get John off him.
    “I didn’t do nutting man. What chu want wit me man?”
    John, shoving the man back down to the floor, finally gets the cuffs on him. He pulled the man up by his wrists, making him scream in pain, “Ughhh,” “Wachit man. Dat hurts you puta” John slapped him in the back of the head.
    “Ya, you didn’t do nutting man. Then why you run, dumb ass?”
    “Fuck you. I want a lawyer”
    “Okay smart guy. Did you do something that you need one?”
    John was checking for a wallet, shaking him down while Laura held him by his wrists. He found nothing but a large lock blade knife. “What’s your name there Poncho Villa? What’s this for? Holding up the knife, rabbits, and such?”
    “Fuck you,” he said.
    “Ya, I bet you’d like that. But I still need your name.” He slapped in the back of the head again,
    Two of the back up officers came running up, saw that everything was under control.
    “Take this puke down town and we’ll be right behind you. And don’t let him go he runs like a freaking jack rabbit.” John told them.
    “Yes sir.” They proceeded to escort the man away.
    “Well, what do you think? You think that’s our man?” Laura wanted to know.
    “It’s too early to know. He has the van and the little girl. Speaking of the girl, where is she?”
    “I left her with the manager at the restaurant. I thought you might need some help, you know. You’re all gimpy and old and everything.” She smiled at him.
    “I got your gimpy. Let’s go see about the girl and maybe run that van.”
    On the way back to the van, John couldn’t help but notice what good shape that Laura was in. They’d been spending a lot of time riding around with each other, getting pretty comfortable.
    He was like any other normal guy. He noticed how attractive she was. He noticed how sexy she was and they laughed and got along really well. Who knew, maybe something could happen. Hell, he’d even be happy with a one night stand. She definitely looked damn good in her jeans. There was no getting around that.
    When they got back to the restaurant, they found two officers. The manager, the little girl, and a large, heavyset Hispanic woman were standing there. The woman was talking a mile a minute. The restaurant manager was shaking his head trying to explain something to her in Spanish.
    “Hi, I’m Detective Griffin, and this is Lieutenant Halloway. Can we ask you some questions?”
    The woman looked at her blankly, looked at the manager, then back at Laura. She started the rapid-fire gibberish.
    “She don’t speak so good the English,” the manager said.
    “Appears to me that she doesn’t speak any English at all,” John said. “Tell her we need to ask her some questions.”
    The manager rattled off some gibberish in Spanish. The woman answered back in the same rapid-fire tongue she was using when they got there.
    “Jesus, why can’t they learn the damn language? If they want to live here they should learn it.” John said under his breath. Laura patted his hand, “its okay honey.”
    John couldn’t help thinking. That’s kind of thing that got his mind going about Laura. She did those subtle little gestures. If he didn’t know, better he’d think that she was flirting with him.
    “She says she come here from Mexico to make a new life and to get away from Juan, the man you chase. The little girl is her daughter.”
    “Okay, so ask her why she’s running away from him.”
    More gibberish back and forth between them, then, “She says he comes here illegally. The little girl his daughter but they not married. He try to take her back wit him. The mother very scared.”
    “So that’s why he was running?” Laura asked.
    “Yes, he was afraid he would be sent back to Mexico without her.”
    “He got that part figured right.” John said.
    “Tell the lady here that she is free to go, but she needs to give her name and address to this officer here and that we will be in touch with her.
    “Officer Sanders, take the info for us. Give her my card, and see if they

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