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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
seats. Leaving them in would afford no room. It wouldn’t be worth the while. They would want something that was quick and easy. Just to be sure, he opened the side door, removing his night vision glasses. Pulling out his mini maglite, he proceeded to search the interior.
    After about thirty minutes of searching all he found was some old candy wrappers, a Styrofoam carton with a half eaten Mickey D’s sandwich, an empty Star Bucks cup about fourteen Cents in change. No, this was not the car.
    He looked at his watch. It was just after one in the morning. He wanted to check two, at least one more house before the sun started coming up.
    One of the things about living in a town like Vegas, it’s a 24/7 town. People worked at all sorts of hours. They came and went on some of the most, unspeakable shifts. Hanging around any one place too long was not a wise choice. Besides, there was nothing here.
    He made his way back to the bike, donned his night vision again and cut across the desert heading for the next residence.
    Chapter 69
    Jack walked through the mall with his packages in hand. Casually smiling, nodding at the children as they walked past him. He’d picked out a nice, sexy little outfit for each of the girls. He thought about it, threw caution to the wind, and went into Victoria’s Secret. In there he explained to the girl that his girlfriend was very petite and that he needed something small, yet incredibly sexy. After about an hour of going through some very sexy nighties, he ended up picking out two rather sheer, skimpy little out fits. One was red, the other blue. He made sure that they had the skimpiest of panties and very little material for the bra. The teddies that came with them were also very sheer, lacy and not much to them. They were perfect. He pictured each of the girls wearing them. He was quite pleased with himself and was aroused for quite some time.
    He stopped at the Starbucks Plaza and got himself a vinte caramel frappaceno. He knew that they were no good for him. They had more calories than a French cheesecake. But they were so damn good and besides, he felt the urge to splurge. He’d work it off at the club later.
    He saw many little girls that he would love to take home with him. However, he was just shopping now. He’d come back by this way in a day or so, pick one out and follow her home.
    As he walked along, he spotted a very attractive woman. She looked to be in her mid to late thirties. She had shoulder length, chestnut brown, wavy, hair. She had nice curves. Her breasts were full and firm. They were probably fake but very nice. Her hips looked tight and round. Holding her hand was his focus. It was a young girl looking to be between ten and twelve. She had the same pretty face and soft features as her mother. She was wearing short, form fitting pink shorts. They showed the curve of her tight, little ass. It had a sleeveless matching pullover shirt that fit snugly enough to show her prepubescent breasts. They were filling out quite nicely just like her mother. These were not the breasts of a normal ten year old. She appeared mature for her age, yet she had that young innocent look.
    There was no doubt in his mind. His heart was racing. Thoughts of her naked, smooth, pink skin as he watched her made him almost crazy. She was the one. He had to be careful though and not follow too closely. They could be here for hours yet. If he weren’t careful someone would spot him and know what he was up to.
    For the next couple of hours, Jack followed the two. First in one store and out another. He was simply window-shopping. He was staring at the little girl’s ass. He strained to see if her nipples were poking out against the thin blouse she was wearing. He was forcing himself not to make it so obvious that he became a spectacle. The woman looked over her shoulder at him. She looked away, apparently satisfied. They stopped at the food court and so did he. He had picked up a copy of CityLife just to have something to read while he watched them.
    Finally, thank God, he thought they’d never leave. They exited the mall and went down to the parking garage. They waited to collect their car from the valet. He was right behind them. They handed their valet stubs to the attendant who ran off at a mild trot to retrieve their cars.
    The young girl looked up at Jack and smiled. Her mother, noticing, pulled the girl closer to her.
    “You have a very lovely daughter.” Jack said, smiling at the

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