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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
need anything then their free to go.”
    “Yes sir.”
    Halloway and Griffin walked back to their car. The tow truck was already there hooking up the van. It would to be taken in and the lab guys would go through it. They knew they probably wouldn’t find anything. Just the wrong van, wrong man, wrong everything. All they had done was to eliminate one illegal. That wouldn’t even put a scratch on the surface as far as the illegals in this town. He’d probably be back within a month; hunting the woman and the girl down again. It would start all over. They were like roaches in a dark room. As soon as you turn on the light they scatter. It looked like John and Laura had turned the light on this guy because he sure didn’t waste any time taking off.
    “How are your knees?” Laura asked, sincerely concerned. She was watching John limp across the parking lot.
    “Oh you know. They’re fine. I’m just gimpy.,” he said grimacing in pain as he limped back to the car.
    They both laughed at that but Laura knew that John was in some serious pain. “You should put something on those, you know, hot packs, ice packs, some heating ointment.” She said, stopping to look at him.
    He stopped up short and looked at her. “They’re fine really. I’m okay.”
    “No you’re not okay. Look, this is me, not some dumb blonde okay. You should see the way you’re walking. On the other hand, I should say limping. Please don’t try to pass that macho bullshit over on me. It’s an insult.” She was standing with her hands on he hips, legs slightly apart.
    Jesus she was sexy standing there like that. His mind was racing.
    “What?” She said.
    “It’s nothing.”
    “That’s not a nothing look John Halloway.”
    “Look, it’s nothing really, okay; I’m having lewd thoughts about you, okay? Now let’s get some work done. Jesus, Women!” He walked away.
    “You were having lewd thoughts? I can believe the lewd thoughts. But the fact that your knees are okay is nothing but pure macho bullshit. And what’s that crack about women?”
    John just shook his head, laughing aloud. Laura was right behind him. She caught up and put her arm around him as if giving him support. He put his arm around her waist and he limped along beside her.
    They walked the rest of the way in silence. They knew that even though they had done one small thing they still had a more serious problem to deal with. The real kidnapper was still out there. Laura couldn’t help feel that they were running out of time. Christ, she was tired of the running and the stress of trying to figure out just what in the hell was gonna kick their ass next.

Chapter 71
    The next morning Jack was on the corner down the street from their house. He had parked in the same spot the day before. He wanted to get there early so he could watch and see how things went.
    About 7:15, he saw the woman and the girl come out of the house. She locked the door, and they headed towards the corner. He presumed they were walking to the school.
    Starting the car, he waited until they had rounded the corner and then pulled out. He drove slowly trying not to be in too big of a hurry. Stopping at the stop sign, he pretended to be looking for traffic. He made the left turn and slowed to 15 mph. He watched them cross the street right in front of him. They were staying in the crosswalk, protected by the crossing guard.
    The woman looked right at him. She furled her brow as though thinking something, and looked away. She had recognized him from the mall. Jack had quickly put his head down so as not to be noticed. But it was too late. Once they had crossed the street, the woman looked back over her left shoulder. She pulled her daughter to her and hurried along the sidewalk and into the school. She was whispering something into the girl’s ear, turning to look back, whispering again. The young girl looked back this time.
    Jack cruised by, slowly, making sure he was doing the speed limit. Being in front of the school like this made it easy for him to drive by slowly without bringing any undo attention to himself. He was so wrapped up in his selfish little quest that it never dawned on him that the mother would become a problem. It never entered his mind.
    He watched them enter the school. Clearing the school zone, he sped up, made a left at the next corner, and went around the block parking in the spot where from where he started. Then he waited.
    It was about ten minutes to eight when he saw the

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