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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
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moments would take him by complete surprise. He would never see it coming and he would only pray for an end.
    He pulled the large door shut and put the large, heavy padlock in place, and secured the door. He pulled the foliage down around it and turned to go to his van when it hit him. As he turned to go towards the house, 50,000 volts slammed into him, shoving him into the large wooden door. It was gripping his every nerve and muscle, doubling him over, and bending him into a painful fetal position.
    Jack’s mind was a cloud, a big mass of fog. He was unable to think clearly, unable to move. Twitching uncontrollably, his only thought, “What the hell is happening to me?”
    The Guardian walked over to him, knelt down beside him and just glared into his eyes. He knew what was behind that door. He knew that this piece of shit lying on the ground in front of him was responsible.
    The man looked up at him. The Guardian pulled the leads from the man’s chest. “Aghhh” the man cried. The Guardian stood there glaring down at him. After a few moments, the man started to come around, fear in his eyes, he looked up, “You’re him aren’t you? You’re the one they want?”
    “Shut up. You disgust me.”
    At that, the Guardian bent down, grabbed Jack by his shirt, and hauled him up to his feet. He slammed him into the front of the mound that just exited. “Where are those girls, in there? Is that why it’s so well hidden and locked?” He asked him pointing to the front of the mound of earth.
    “Fuck you. I’m not telling you shit.” Jack said. He obviously didn’t know who he was dealing with. Intimidation wasn’t going to work here. He wasn’t in control any more.

Part Nine
    Harem Scarem
    Chapter 84
    It was after three and her daughter wasn’t home. The woman started to panic. She had been out in the driveway three times in the past thirty minutes. She had already called the school. They assured her that her daughter wasn’t there and that all the children had left for the day. She called her daughter’s friends, the two that she could think of that she might have gone with after school. She knew that wasn’t right. She would never go off without coming home first. She would at least call her. The woman was in a panic. She was blaming herself for not being there to walk home with her daughter.
    The lady ran down to the corner. She stood there searching, scouring the other children as they walked home. There were only a few left. There was no sign of her daughter. Her heart was in her throat. Her stomach ached with a knot the size of Texas. She ran back to the house.
    Suddenly her mind flashed the image of the man in the sports car. That man always seemed to be there. The car, what was it about that car? She’d seen, heard, or read something. What was it…? She stopped mid thought. Then she remembered and gasped, her hand covering her mouth. He had been watching them. He was the same man at the mall and across the street. He was at the crosswalk. It was the same man. She was sure of it. Tears filling her eyes she ran to the phone and dialed the police.
    The lady explained to them everything that she knew. The officer on the other end of the line explained that an officer would be by and that she should not leave. They tried to assure her that everything would be all right, but she knew better. Those other two girls hadn’t been found yet and they had absolutely no leads. Well, none that she knew of anyway.
    As soon as she was off the phone, she called the mothers of her daughter’s two friends. She explained to them everything that she had explained to the police. She asked them if they would mind letting their daughters come over to her house so that they could possibly share any information they had with the police. Perhaps they would know something that could help them find her daughter.
    Next, she called her best friend. Finally, sobbing almost out of control, she told her friend she needed her. Would she please come over? She hung up, shaking uncontrollably. There was nothing else to do now but wait. The waiting was the hardest part.
    Thinking back, looking at that man, she’d had a feeling. She knew, “Oh God, why hadn’t she done something then?” she thought. This was all her fault. She just hung her head and sobbed.
    It wasn’t long before her friend Claire was at the door. She’d let herself in.
    “Oh Claire, what have I done, what have I done?” She explained everything to her.

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