the mysterious Lala had said was specific.
Smoke and mirrors.
Why had she let herself fall for such a scheme? She knew better. Clutching the steering wheel, she looked into the starry night and hoped she hadn’t just done something that would backfire on her with some kind of bad karma.
God, please forgive me. I’m desperate.
Exhausted by the time she got home, she went straight to bed.
She closed her eyes to the images Lala had scribbled across that page. Hieroglyphics inspired by clumps of messy wet tea leaves that looked like nothing to her told Lala a story. Or was it just what Kasey had wanted to hear?
Kasey prayed that dreams of Nick would soothe her worries during the night.
* * * *
The next day was a long one, but Kasey promised herself she’d put last night behind her. When the phone rang, she tripped over Dutch as she lunged for it.
“Hello?” she said as she steadied herself.
“It’s me.”
Riley’s voice was a welcome one, but not the one she’d hoped to hear. “Hi.”
“Sorry. No more news. Von’s still working on every angle and so are the police.”
“Why does everything take so long? I mean, you can get almost anything on the internet in mere seconds. But when the information is important, it takes so long. It doesn’t seem right.”
“I know. I thought I’d come do a sleepover tonight, if you want. Might make the waiting easier. Or heck, maybe we’ll have news by then and we’ll be celebrating.”
Kasey smiled. “Von won’t mind?”
“Not at all. Are you kidding? He’ll be happy to have all the pillows without a fight.”
“That would be great. Thanks, Riley.” Kasey’s jaw dropped. Riley—Lee. Maybe that was the “L,” the Lee, Lala had referred to?
“I’ll be over as soon as I finish cooking dinner for him. I’ll bring you something.”
“Don’t bother. I can’t eat,” Kasey said.
“Well, you need to. You need your strength. I’ll see you shortly.”
Kasey hung up the phone and curled up on the couch. Dutch sat in front of her, resting his chin on her leg. She stared out the picture window at nothing until the daylight started to dim.
No lights out here in the country.
No neighbors.
No family.
No life.
* * * *
Headlights streamed into the now dark living room where Kasey still sat huddled on the couch next to the house phone and with her cell phone in her lap. She turned on the lamp when Riley stepped onto the porch.
“It’s me,” Riley said, as she let herself in.
Kasey responded with half a smile. Her stomach growled in response to the familiar smell of home cooking. “You made chicken and dumplings.” Riley knew it was her favorite.
“Comfort food. Lord knows we deserve it.” Riley dropped her purse in the corner and put a paper sack on the coffee table. She retrieved two covered bowls and spoons from the bag, handed one to Kasey, and snuggled next to her on the couch with the other. “At least try.”
Kasey swirled her spoon in the bowl. “Any news?” She lowered her head and blew across the top of the piping hot broth.
“A little, but don’t get excited. Whoever sent the pictures went to some trouble. They’ve traced the package back through two couriers to the origination point, but they didn’t ask for any identification at origination.”
“It gets better. You won’t believe who the paperwork says the pictures were sent by.”
Kasey raised her eyes and held Riley’s gaze. “I’m almost afraid to ask.”
“You. It says they were sent by Kasey Phillips.”
“Why would I send those pictures to myself?”
“You wouldn’t. This is a case of bad record keeping or a good cover up. They put your name in both the To and the From blanks on the shipping form.” Riley took a bite of chicken and dumplings, then set her bowl on the table. “There’s one other thing.”
“What’s that?”
“The package originated in Nashville.”
Kasey blinked as she realized the connection. “That’s where I was headed to pick up Cody’s tour.”
“I know.”
“If my baby is in Nashville....” Kasey set her bowl next to Riley’s. “Do you think Jake is alive and in Nashville?” She shook her head. “This doesn’t make sense. Why would he end up so far away?”
“Don’t get your hopes up. I mean...wait...I know that sounds awful. I want you to have hope. We all want to find him, but this doesn’t mean....”
“I know. I know. I could drive myself crazy. Or maybe I am,
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