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Titel: THE PERFECT TEN (Boxed Set) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dianna Love , Sandy Blair , Misty Evans , Adrienne Giordano , Mary Buckham , Alexa Grace , Tonya Kappes , Nancy Naigle , Norah Wilson , Micah Caida
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accident, but if you asked him, it always looked like four. He had trouble getting his fingers moving in all the right directions to show his age. He’s four now.”
    She pushed the dishes to the side and leaned her forearms on the table. “I know some people think I’m crazy for believing he might still be alive, but I know he is. I feel it.” She brought her hands to her heart. “In here. I just know it.” She put her hands in her lap and met his gaze. “You think I’m nuts, too.”
    “No. I don’t. Mothers have a sense like that about their children.” He leaned on his forearms, mirroring her posture. “Let me tell you a story. When I was ten, I was riding a mountain bike on the hills by the old pit with some other kids. I fell and broke my leg. We weren’t supposed to be on the man-made piles, but you know—boys.”
    She nodded.
    “Anyway, one of the other kids ran home and called an ambulance. When the paramedics wheeled me into the emergency room, my mom was already there waiting. Turned out no one had called. She just knew. She told me that years later.”
    He did understand.
    “You’re kidding?”
    “Happened again a few years ago. I was shot during what was supposed to be a routine traffic stop. She already knew I was injured, but not dead, when the guys at the station called her.”
    “I like your mom.”
    “Everyone does. So...tell me more about Jake.”
    “Gosh, he’s a bundle of energy that never stops. Such a little man tromping around in cowboy boots and a hat like his daddy. He slept in those boots more than once.” She paused. “He’s just—I don’t know—fearless. He’s strong and determined—wise for such a little boy.”
    “Got any pictures?” Scott asked.
    “Of course I do.” She dug around in her purse for her wallet. She flipped it open and handed him the pictures.
    “He looks like you.”
    He handed the wallet back to her. “Think you’ll like living in the country? It’s a lot different.”
    “Sure. It’s quiet. That’ll be nice.”
    Scott snickered. He’d known plenty of folks who thought the country would be nice until they got here. Then all they wanted to do was turn their quiet paradise into the city. They’d complain about the very things that drew them to the wide-open spaces to begin with. Scott had first-hand knowledge of how a city girl could have trouble feeling at home in the country.
    “Don’t be so quick to think you’ll fit right in. We don’t have good shopping around here, you know.”
    “I’m internet savvy. The UPS man comes this way, doesn’t he?”
    He nodded. “Sure. Well, maybe you’ll surprise me.”
    He raised his tea glass, and she raised hers to meet his.
    “Welcome to our little neck of the woods. I hope you settle in and don’t regret joining us.” He tipped his glass to hers, then took the last swig of his sweet tea. “I’m having a few people over Sunday afternoon. I’ll throw something on the grill. Nothing fancy. Will you come?”
    She hesitated.
    “I thought you’d like to meet a few of the locals, and I do make the best steak in town.”
    “True, and making new friends is part of starting a new life.” She nodded. “Yeah. Thanks. Deputy Dan won’t be there, will he?”
    “No. I’m thinking you might need some time to cool off before you see him again.”
    “You got that right.”
    He drew a map on a paper napkin, then turned it to face her and talked her through the directions. She pointed out the window of the diner—left and then right. “Okay. So that way, right?”
    “Tell you what. I know exactly where you live. Why don’t I just pick you up at one?”
    “No. That’s too much trouble. Plus you’ll be getting ready for your guests.”
    He shook his head. “Nope. I insist. Not a problem. They won’t get there until around two. You can help me get ready. I could use an extra hand.”
    She felt relieved because she didn’t know her way around yet, and all the roads looked the same. All trees or all crops.
    They shared a smile and a handshake.
    “I better warn you,” she said. “I’m not too good in the kitchen.”
    “Thanks for the warning.” Scott dug in his front pocket, peeled off the money to pay the bill, and put it on the table for the waitress. “Ready?”
    They walked back up the street to the station and around back to where both their cars were parked. Scott had made the deputy retrieve his car from the side of the road while

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