and I’ll end up in one of those women’s prisons with Big Bertha callin’ the shots. No, thanks.”
“I wondered what happened to you when you didn’t show up for dinner. I’ve never been stood up before.” He shook his head. “Kinda hurt my feelings.”
“I’m so sorry. I’ve been here all day. I’m starved.”
“Come on, let’s get something to eat.”
“No. You just sit tight until that crazy deputy gets back so you can clear my name.”
The front door of the building opened, and Deputy Dan stepped in.
Kasey knew she was in trouble now with the door to her cell wide open.
“Hey, Sheriff,” the deputy said.
Kasey looked at Scott in surprise. “Sheriff?”
Scott shrugged. “Would appear so, huh?”
She dropped to the chair.
He turned his attention back to his deputy. “Dan, let’s review the case back here.” Scott pushed open the door to the back of the building and Deputy Dan scrambled in behind him, apparently eager to please.
Kasey sat there, dumbfounded.
After a couple of minutes, Scott returned by himself. He headed straight for the cell and motioned for her to come out. She complied. Scott handed Kasey her purse and camera bag.
“I tore up the paperwork. I’m sorry. I was trying to help you. I sure didn’t mean for your day to turn out like this. Can I buy you dinner?”
She smiled. How many times was this guy going to rescue her today? “I am starved.”
He put his hand on her shoulder. “If it’s any consolation, your car’s fixed.”
She brightened. “Thanks. What do I owe you?”
Her response seemed to amuse him. “Oh, I think I'll still owe you before we’re even. Let’s grab some dinner.”
“I’m only driving if we take my car,” she said emphatically.
“How about we walk? There’s a great little place up the block.”
“Even better.”
Chapter Twenty-One
Kasey dabbed her lips with the paper napkin. “I’m going to bust. That was the best fried chicken I’ve ever had.”
Scott nodded. “Hope you saved room for dessert. Kay makes the best cobblers and seven-layer chocolate cake ever.”
“U-u-u-ugh! No way. I’ll have to take a rain check. I am beyond full.”
He leaned forward. “A rain check? That sounds promising.”
Scott was easy to be with. Small talk had turned into heart-to-heart sharing and laughter during the last hour. Of course, the biggest laugh was over her almost-arrest by his overzealous deputy, and he’d assured her that all the evidence had been destroyed.
She was glad to learn that the little four-cell jail was not the official holding area. That portion of the building was part of the National Register of Historical places. Deputy Dan had done her a favor by not putting her in the general population, which was down that hall. It was harder to forgive Deputy Dan, though.
Kasey and Scott made easy conversation. When she mentioned Nick’s accident, she was surprised to hear that he was familiar with the case.
“A lot of us helped out on that search. Even my Aunt Ida Claire. She came out of retirement to see if she could uncover anything.”
Kasey almost spit out her sweet tea. “I’m sorry. Did you say 'Aunt I declare'?”
He laughed. “Okay, well if you say it like that, it’s kind of funny. It’s Ida. Her middle name is Claire.”
The name tickled her. She started laughing and couldn’t stop.
“Well, that was easy.” He leaned forward. “I like seeing you smile. You have a nice smile.” A serious look crossed his face. “I really am sorry about what’s happened to you. I mean, about your husband and all. It was awful.”
She lowered her eyes.
Scott reached across the table and patted her arm. “So what made you move up this way by yourself? I mean, a city girl and all.”
“Chaz Huckaby called and told me about the property. My husband worked with him for a while—renovating the house as a surprise.”
“Wow. Some surprise.”
She nodded. “Yeah. They made a deal to get it done by our anniversary. Chaz didn’t know about the accident. Well, not that it was Nick anyway. He’d left some messages, but they were cryptic, and I just hadn’t had the energy to call him back until recently. At first I thought I was coming to see what I needed to do to unload the place. But when I saw it, I felt so close to Nick and Jake. I knew I wanted to live there… needed to live there.”
“Tell me about Jake.”
Kasey grinned. “He was three at the time of the
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