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Titel: THE PERFECT TEN (Boxed Set) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dianna Love , Sandy Blair , Misty Evans , Adrienne Giordano , Mary Buckham , Alexa Grace , Tonya Kappes , Nancy Naigle , Norah Wilson , Micah Caida
Vom Netzwerk:
worlds. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Sorry that happened to you.”
    “Yeah, me too. But hey, we get through what we have to, don’t we?”
    He put his arm up on the back of the couch. “How are you liking the country life so far, Miss City Girl?”
    “Loving it. So far, so good.”
    “No regrets?”
    “Not one.”
    “It’s only been a week,” he reminded her.
    “Hey, give me a break. I can handle the country. I did live on a farm out in the country in Pungo, remember?”
    “That’s pretty close to Virginia Beach, though. You could go to the mall without much trouble, or to a nice restaurant.” He brushed her hair behind her shoulder. “But I hope you’re right. It will be nice to have you as a neighbor.”
    “What are you doing on Wednesday?” Scott asked.
    “I’ll probably get some of my stuff put away. I don’t know. Why?”
    “It’s my day off. I’m going fishing. Why don’t you join me?”
    “It’s kind of cold, and isn’t it supposed to rain?”
    “Nothing more peaceful than sitting on the dock listening to the rain splatter.”
    “Could make for a bad hair day.”
    “You could wear a hat,” he said.
    A man with an answer for everything.
    She started to turn him down, but why? “What should I bring?” she asked with a smile.
    “Just that smile. Rain or shine. We get started at seven.”
    “In the morning?” She rolled her eyes. “I’m still hugging a pillow at the time of the day. I’ll bring coffee.”
    “Sounds good. I think you’ll have fun. If you don’t catch a fish, maybe you’ll at least catch a good picture or two.”
    “How could I say no?”
    He nodded. “You’re my kind of gal.”
    He leaned in and kissed her softly on the mouth.
    When they parted, she opened her eyes and blinked.
    “Holy shit.” The moment froze in her brain. She blinked, so stunned she stated the obvious: “You just kissed me.” She touched her lips, still warm from his soft, moist kiss.
    He held her close. “Not sure where that came from. I just couldn’t resist.”
    “It’s okay,” she whispered. “I think it’s okay. It was kind of nice.”
    “Well, this is certainly a little awkward now, isn’t it?”
    “Yeah.” Conflicting emotion made her dizzy.
    “Ready to head home?” he asked.
    “I think I should.”
    “All-righty then. Let’s go.”
    “Should we finish cleaning up first?”
    “No. I’m not sure I can trust myself with you bent over my dishwasher.”
    That lightened the moment. “You’re being silly. But okay.”
    The drive home was a little quiet. She was thankful it wasn’t that far.
    As Scott neared her driveway, they saw another car parked next to Kasey’s Porsche. “Looks like you have company.”
    Kasey stiffened.
    “Do you know who that is?” Scott asked.
    “Yes, but I don’t know why he’s here,” Kasey said. “He works for my grandmother. He already stopped by this morning. I wonder why he’s back. I hope something hasn’t happened to her.”
    “You weren’t expecting him?”
    Scott stopped the car and she got out.
    “I wondered where you were.” Jeremy’s voice sounded full of possessive desperation.
    “What’s wrong?” Kasey approached him, embarrassed.
    “I forgot to give you some mail that came to the estate. When I came back, your car was here but you weren’t answering the door. I thought something was wrong.”
    “I have my cell. You should’ve called. How long have you been here?”
    Scott stepped next to Kasey. “If you were so worried, why didn’t you call the police?”
    Jeremy shuffled his feet and shot Scott an angry look.
    “I gotta go. Your mail is on the porch.” He stomped off.
    Kasey stood dumbfounded as Jeremy got into the car and pulled out of the driveway. She and Scott looked at each other. “That was the oddest thing.”
    “I won’t disagree with that.” Scott stepped over to where Jeremy had been standing next to the car and scooped up a handful of bright yellow wrappers, twisting one in his fingers. “He must’ve been here a while.”
    “Kojak had suckers, Jeremy has butterscotches.”
    “Does he always pop up unexpectedly like that?”
    “No. I don’t know what got in to him. I guess he’s a little protective of me sometimes.” 

    Chapter Twenty-Five
    The next morning, Kasey woke to the phone ringing. Not her cell, but the house phone. She ran into the living room to answer it. She fumbled with the

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