Raleigh and couldn’t get it out of his head. His daughter went to your concert down in Louisiana and mentioned it to her dad. When he told her he’d seen a child that looked like Jake, his daughter made him go to the police. Oh, Cody. This could be it.”
“I hope so. What can I do to help?”
“Nothing, but I’ll let you know if that changes,” she said. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“Stop that. No thank you is needed. Let’s just hope this brings the little guy home. I’m prayin’ for you, girl.”
“Von and Riley are on their way. They should be here shortly. We’re heading to Raleigh.”
“Will you call me tomorrow to let me know how it goes? Or as soon as you know? Or text me. I’ll be dying, wondering what’s going on.”
“Absolutely. Thank you again. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Take care. I’ll be waiting to hear.”
Just as Kasey hung up, she heard a car door.
“Man, they got here fast.” She picked up her bag, ran to the door, swung it open and stepped forward.
Scott stood in the doorway.
“Scott?” She stepped back. “I thought you were Riley and Von.”
“I don’t think they could get here that fast.”
He pulled Kasey into his arms. She relaxed into his warm hug.
“I figured it would be the longest wait ever. I thought you might need a friend.”
“You’re right. It feels crazy sitting here waiting when I could be halfway to Raleigh by now.”
“You know these things take time, right?”
She stepped back from him. “Time? I’ve been waiting since last August, trying to find Jake. I know what time is. It’s torture. I’ve waited so long.”
“I know, but these leads aren’t always a beeline to the suspect.”
She nodded and took a breath. “I know, but if that’s him on the tape and he’s alive...and....”
He pulled her back into his arms and held her. “What time did they call?”
“I’m not even sure. Not long before I called you.”
He picked up the handset of her phone and searched back through the list of last calls. “Looks like he called an hour ago. You’ve still got a good thirty-minute wait.”
Flopping into a nearby chair, she felt like an impatient six-year-old.
“Do you mind?” Scott gestured toward the kitchen.
“No. There’s not much in there. Make yourself at home.”
Scott disappeared into the kitchen. The microwave beeped as he punched the buttons. He came back into the room carrying a mug of tea for her.
“Nothing for you?” she asked.
He shook his head. “No. The tea is decaf. It said ‘soothing’ on the tin. Hope it helps.”
That was thoughtful.
She lifted the mug to her lips, took a sip, then set it on the side table.
Scott sat on the arm of the chair. “Turn your back to me.”
She did. He placed his hands on either side of her neck, and massaged her shoulders. “That feels so good.”
“Your neck is in knots. Close your eyes. Relax into my hands.”
Her body went warm as he pushed into her muscles, kneading at the tension in her neck and upper back. He placed his hands on her neckline, then over her ears, massaging her head with his fingers.
A tear ran down her cheek. “You never told me you were a massage guru,” Kasey said, as she rested in Scott’s hands, her tension seeping away.
“Holding out on you.” His hands soothed the stress in her weary muscles.
“I like it.”
Once Kasey relaxed the time seemed to pass more quickly. But her nerves twisted again when she heard Von and Riley pull into the driveway and honk the horn.
“This is it.” Kasey clenched her fists and let out a deep breath.
“Don’t forget your new neighbors and friends,” Scott said. “We’re here for you, no matter what you need. We want to help. Don’t be shy about asking.” He kissed her forehead.
“I knew I did the right thing moving here. Thank you for coming over.”
“I’ll lock up. Go.” Scott urged her toward the door.
“Thanks.” She kissed him on the cheek and ran outside, leaving the door wide open behind her. She jumped into the back of the SUV, hugged Riley, and waved to Scott as they drove off.
The ride to the police station in North Carolina was painfully slow.
When Von finally took the exit from I-85, Kasey’s stomach began to spin. “I might be sick.”
Riley hugged her close. “It’s okay. You’re going to be fine.”
After speeding down the interstate, it felt as if they were slowly coasting along the town roads. Von braked after a few
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