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Titel: THE PERFECT TEN (Boxed Set) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dianna Love , Sandy Blair , Misty Evans , Adrienne Giordano , Mary Buckham , Alexa Grace , Tonya Kappes , Nancy Naigle , Norah Wilson , Micah Caida
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then slowed to the speed limit.
    “When Billy Goodwin came back from his break, he saw the woman leaving Walmart with Jake. He got the car description and a partial plate number.” Von’s lips pulled into a tight line. “I thought we might catch up to them. He said they went left out of the parking lot.”
    “Could we have beaten her to the light?” Kasey asked.
    “Possibly. I’m still looking. Keep your eyes peeled.”
    Kasey leaned against the window. Her breath fogged the glass as she focused on each passing car.
    “He called the police. They should be at the Walmart by now. We’ll go see what they’ve got.”
    When Von pulled into the Walmart parking lot, four police cruisers were already there, blue lights still flashing. Billy Goodwin stood out front. Von, Kasey and Riley bailed out of the truck and headed toward the crowd. Billy walked over to meet Von. He looked upset.
    “I’m sorry. When I came off break, there she was. She’d just checked out—pushing her cart out the automatic doors. I dialed the police and then ran to the lot. I saw her get in the car, but by the time I got close, she was driving off. I’m so sorry.” Billy looked defeated. “So close.”
    Chief Phipps strode over and patted Billy Goodwin on his shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault. You did the right thing.” The chief turned his attention to Von and Kasey. “He did get us a partial tag and the make of the car. We’re working that now.”
    “That’s good, right?” Kasey rubbed her hands up and down her arms, trying to chase away the chill.
    “Yes.” The police chief nodded. “I’ve also got two men upstairs reviewing the security tapes. They’ve closed that register. We’re trying to match the sequence at the register and tape. With any luck she used a debit or credit card.”
    “Please. Please. Please.” Kasey paced back and forth, clenching her jaw to stifle the sob in her throat.
    Riley put her arms around Kasey while the officer updated Von. “I’ve already called to get a warrant for the information off the card, if she used one.”
    “Good. We don’t want to waste any time.” Von crossed his arms. “Did she see Billy running toward her?”
    “I don’t think so. Sounds like he was a few steps behind her. She didn’t seem to be spooked, from what I gather from the other cashiers. I talked to the employee working the lot collecting carts. He seemed clueless as to what was going on, if that’s any indicator.”
    “That’s good.”
    The police chief nodded.
    A young officer walked up to Chief Phipps. “Bingo, sir.”
    Kasey tensed. Riley hugged her close.
    “She used a credit card. Here’s her name.” He handed the chief the information.
    “Libby Braddock.” Chief Phipps’s gaze settled on Kasey. “Ring any bells?”
    Kasey and Riley shook their heads. “Never heard of her,” Kasey said.
    “Stay right here.” Chief Phipps stepped away. He called in to Dispatch on his radio and spoke to someone else on his cell phone.
    Kasey squatted to stop the dizziness that consumed her and to steady her breathing.
    Von shook his keys toward Riley. “Here. Why don’t you take Kasey back to the room?”
    Kasey jumped to her feet. “I’m good. I’m fine. No. I want to be here.”
    Von started to say something, but stuffed his keys back in his pocket instead.
    Two police cars drove out of the lot. Chief Phipps hurried over to Von. “Good news. She doesn’t have a record, and we have the address. We’re heading out there now. Y’all can ride with me.”
    Von rode shotgun. Kasey and Riley jumped into the back seat of the cruiser.
    Kasey shivered. Even her teeth chattered. The neighborhood was well-lit. They’d been on this street earlier today.
    So close.
    Judging by the size of the yards and the large trees that lined the streets, it appeared to be an older, well-established neighborhood. The homes weren’t cookie-cutter replicas of one another. They turned a corner and slowed to a stop behind the other police cars that lined the curb, one behind the other.
    The house was small, but under the light of the moon and the streetlights, it looked very well-maintained. Garden lights lined the flowerbeds. A flag with a snowflake pictured on it hung from the front porch. A swing set took up most of the side yard.
    Jake loves to swing.
    “I didn’t expect the house to look like this,” Riley said.
    “I know. Normal,” Kasey said. “But thank goodness. I had visions of

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