nose. That’s it. It’s going to be okay.”
Kasey took in a shaky breath.
“That’s good,” Riley said.
Following two raps on the door, another officer entered with a bottle of water and some paper cups. Riley poured a cup for Kasey.
“It’s Jake,” she said. “What do we do?” Her hand shook as she lifted the cup of water to her lips.
“We’re working to identify the woman,” Phipps explained. “When she comes back into the store we’ll know for sure, but we’re hoping we can run her down before then.”
“Can we talk to Billy Goodwin?” Von asked.
“Yes. That’s fine. He said he’d cooperate any way he can.” Chief Phipps pulled a pen from his shirt pocket, copied Goodwin’s number on a slip of paper, and handed it to Von. “Here you go.”
“Is that it?” asked Kasey. “This is all we can do? Wait?”
Chief Phipps exchanged a glance with Von. “For now.”
Von shook the chief’s hand. “You’ve got my numbers and the hotline’s. Keep us posted. Thank you so much.”
He led Kasey and Riley out of the station.
“My son is alive, probably somewhere nearby, and we just have to wait?” cried Kasey.
“We’re getting closer. Don’t flip out on me now.” Von fastened his seatbelt and started the truck. “We’ll get a room and stay for a couple days. Maybe we can speed things along. I’ll give Mr. Goodwin a call and set something up. It’s not that big of a town.”
The Walmart was near the interstate. There were a couple of hotels and a strip mall there, too. Von pulled into the Hampton Inn parking lot and went inside to register.
“I can’t believe it,” Kasey said.
“He’s alive.” Riley turned to her. “We’ll find him.”
“His hair was long. Did you see how long his hair was in the back?”
“First thing I noticed, too,” Riley said. “Nick was always fastidious about Jake’s hair being short.”
“So he wouldn’t look like a girl,” Kasey finished the thought as the memories of arguments between she and Nick about Jake’s hair came to mind. Such a stupid thing to fight about.
Von came out a few minutes later. “I got connecting rooms. We’re right around the corner here.” Von said as he pulled the vehicle around to the side of the building and parked.
They piled out of the truck and wheeled the bags to their rooms. Riley propped open the door between them. She and Kasey sprawled across the king-sized bed in one room.
Von set up his laptop in the other and called Billy Goodwin. He hung up the phone and stepped into the doorway between the two rooms. “Hey, girls, Billy Goodwin will be here around five-thirty. He’s going to stop by on his way to work.”
Kasey lifted her head from the pillow and looked at the clock. It was just after lunchtime. “What do we do until then?”
“At least you didn’t say wait. I’m about over that word,” said Kasey.
Von pulled his keys from his pocket. “I’m going to take a ride. Can I get y’all some lunch first?”
“I’m not hungry,” Kasey said. She turned the pillow over and scrunched it under her chin. “I’m going to try to sleep so five-thirty gets here quicker.”
Riley said, “I’m not hungry either. Too excited, I guess. Bring something when you come back, just in case.”
“Sounds good. I’ll call if I hear anything, but I don’t expect news for a while. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Von closed the door behind him as he left.
Riley got up and twisted the privacy lock, then lay back down with Kasey.
A knock at the door woke Riley—Von’s knock. She jumped up to let him in. Von gave her a peck on the cheek as he breezed by her and placed a bag of take-out on the small table. “I didn’t know what to get. It’s sort of a buffet.”
Kasey walked into the room, bleary-eyed.
Von handed her a large drink. “Diet?”
“Thank you.” Kasey accepted the cup and took a long sip. “You’re the best.”
“I know. She tells me all the time.” He smiled and tugged Riley to him. “What do I get for bringing you a regular Coke?”
Riley raised her brow suggestively. “We’ll discuss that when there isn’t so much going on.”
“Thanks for that,” Kasey said, rolling her eyes. “What time is it?”
“Almost five,” Von said.
“I slept hard.” Kasey scrubbed her fingers through her hair and tugged her bangs into submission. “By the time we finish eating, it should be time for Billy Goodwin to show up.”
Von arranged
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