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The Twelve Kingdoms: Shadow of the Moon

The Twelve Kingdoms: Shadow of the Moon

Titel: The Twelve Kingdoms: Shadow of the Moon Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Fuyumi Ono
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enemies and settle things without using a sword."
    So once you get to En, you think all your troubles will go away?
    "Not likely, but I've got to find Keiki. I've got to find a way home. There will be plenty of other things to think about then."
    You still think Keiki is your ally? Really?
    "I'll decide when we meet. I'm not dwelling on it in the meantime."
    Even if you do meet Keiki, you're not going home.
    "Until I know that for certain, I'm not giving up."
    You want to go home that badly? Nobody is waiting for you.
    "I don't care. I'm going home."
    Back in her old world, Youko had conducted her life based on what she saw in other people's faces. She lived to be liked by everyone, disliked by no one. Confrontation terrified her. The thought of being scolded scared her to death. After this, she didn't think that anything would be very frightening.
    Or perhaps it had never been about cowardice at all. Perhaps she had simply been lazy. It was easier to do as other people said than think for herself. Rather than go to the wall for somebody or something, it was easier to go along and avoid confrontation. Being the good girl everybody wanted her to be was easier than following her own mind and taking things on as they came. She had lived a lazy, cowardly life. That's why she wanted to go back. If she could go home now, she could make a different life for herself. She wanted to at least have the chance to try.
    She quietly pondered these thoughts as she walked along.

    The rains increased. It may have been the rainy season. Camping outdoors was a pain when it rained so she often stopped at one of the secluded hamlets along the way and asked for shelter.
    There were those who would let her stay in the corner of a barn and those who wanted money. There were those who called the constables on her, as well as those who looked in the mood to give her a good beating and throw her out in the street. On the other hand, there were those who, despite their meager circumstances, would give her a meal to eat.
    Along the way she figured out she could work in exchange for a night's room and board. In exchange for lodging, she'd put herself in the employ of that family. She found herself all types of jobs. She worked in the fields, cleaned houses, did odd jobs, looked after livestock and mucked out the styes, dug graves, and anything else that came down the pike.
    Thanks to these jobs, she got herself a bed for the night and put aside a bit of money as well.
    She wandered from hamlet to hamlet, picking up work along the way. If trouble presented itself, she drew her sword and got out of there. If the constables were called out, everybody would get skittish for a while and it was back to roughing it until things cooled down. She was often attacked by youma, their numbers increasing bit by bit, but she was also getting used to fighting her enemies.

    She'd been traveling for a month when she spotted what seemed to be a bunch of gendarmes coming up the road after her. If she sought lodging, she'd leave a trail that could be tracked. She couldn't go leaving her calling card behind while she was being pursued or they would catch up with her eventually. But she knew all this and didn't let it knock her off her game.
    She headed up into the mountains and managed to shake them, but after that she saw soldiers on the road more and more often.
    The only thing that concerned her was if Agan had been locked down in the meantime. When she got closer to Agan, she did without lodging. She separated herself from the main road and became more careful about attracting unwanted attention, forging through the mountains instead.
    Rakushun had said that it was a month's walk to Agan, but by the time the harbor came into view, a full two months had passed.

Chapter 47
    B efore the gates of Agan, Youko flagged down a fellow traveler. "Um, excuse me."
    The city of Agan was situated on the slopes of a hilly terrain. Descending the road that wound down from the highlands, the Port of Agan came into view.
    The so-called Blue Sea really was blue, the waves breaking on the shore white. Within the embrace of the peninsula that encircled the Agan coast, white sails floated on the blue, transparent sea. Beyond the peninsula she could see the unbroken horizon. How this world could be flat was a mystery to her.
    A number of roads came together at the gates of Agan. The city was big, and a great many people were going in and coming out. She slipped in amongst the crowds

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