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United States of America: Geschichte und Kultur (German Edition)

United States of America: Geschichte und Kultur (German Edition)

Titel: United States of America: Geschichte und Kultur (German Edition) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Bernd Stöver
Vom Netzwerk:
John 43, 66, 126
    Romney, Willard Mitt 348
    Roosevelt, Franklin D. 16, 19, 112, 277, 348, 353f., 365f., 373, 377, 382–392, 394–397, 403, 405–407, 411, 413–415, 419f., 422, 424–428, 430, 432, 436, 438–441, 443–445, 455, 459, 468, 495, 530f., 636, 699
    Roosevelt, Theodore 25, 260, 264–266, 268, 300, 330–333, 547, 593, 653
    Root, Elihu 343, 373
    Rosenthal, Joe 431
    Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 65
    Rove, Karl 649
    Rumsfeld, Donald 615, 629, 632f., 655
    Rush, Benjamin 346
    Rush, Myron 522
    Russell, Bertrand 588
    Russell, Charles Marion 118, 193, 297
    Russell, Walter 415
    Sacco, Ferdinando «Nicolo» 361
    Sacharow, Andrej 514
    Sachs, Alexander 426
    Saddam Hussein 496, 612–616, 632f., 745
    Saffi n, John 291
    Saint-Castin, Bernard-Anselme d’Abbadie Baron de 133
    Salih, Ali Abdullah 656
    Salinger, Jerome David 554
    Samjatin, Jewgenij 304
    Sassacus, Häuptling 128
    Sayyaf, Abdul Rasul 623
    Schdanow, Andrej 468, 493
    Schiller, Friedrich 100
    Schmidt, Harrison H. 511
    Schofi eld, John 221
    Schönberg, Arnold 287
    Schröder, Gerhard 631f.
    Schultz, Dutch (Arthur Flegenheimer) 368f.
    Schurman, Jacob G. 371
    Scopes, John Thomas 236f.
    Scott, Adrian 721
    Scott, Walter 294
    Scripps, Edward 329
    Sealsfi eld, Charles (Karl Anton Postl) 192
    Seeger, Pete 548, 561, 591
    Selznick, David O. 567
    Sequoya (George Gist) 282
    Seume, Gottfried 99f.
    Sewall, Samuel 207, 290f.
    Seward, William H. 216
    Seymour, Horatio 228
    Shakespeare, William 293
    Shay, Daniel 112
    Sheets, John W. 169
    Shepard, Alan 511
    Sheridan, Philip 197f., 214, 221, 231
    Sherman, William T. 197, 213f., 231
    Short, Walter 419f.
    Si Tanka (Big Foot, Spotted Elk), Häuptling 25, 148
    Sickles, Daniel E. 221
    Siegel, Don 532
    Sihanouk, Norodom Prince 743
    Silone, Ignazio 588
    Simmons, Fay 483
    Sinclair, Upton 165, 331, 383
    Singer, Isaac Merrit 287, 306, 314
    Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake), Häuptling 25, 124, 127, 141, 148f., 190, 298
    Sjuganow, Gennadi A. 603
    Skolbetsin, Dimitri 465
    Slater, Samuel 346
    Sloan, Alfred 322
    Smibert, John 292
    Smith, Adam 108, 235
    Smith, Jedediah 190f.
    Smith, John 43, 48, 291
    Smith, John Staff ord 122, 293
    Smith, Robert 250
    Smith, Tom («Bear River») 165f.
    Smith, William French 647
    Smitherman, John 714
    Sombart, Werner 338
    Somoza Debayle, Anastasio 744
    Soros, George 638
    Soto, Hernando de 66, 124f.
    Soulé, Pierre 259
    Souza, John Philip 293
    Spanknöbel, Frank 393
    Spencer, Herbert 235f., 341
    Sperber, Manès 588
    Spock, Benjamin 345
    Spotted Elk, Häuptling (Big Foot, Si Tanka) 25, 148
    Springsteen, Bruce 591
    Squirrel Tooth Alice (Haley Thompson,
    Mary Elizabeth, «Libby») 576
    St. Clair, Arthur 123
    St. John, Henry Viscount Bolingbroke 82
    Stalin, Josef 375, 428, 434f., 438–445, 447, 451, 453, 456, 459–461, 465, 468, 474, 493, 520, 610, 652
    Stampfer, Friedrich 407
    Stark, Harold R. 420
    Starr, Kenneth 647
    Stead, William Thomas 584
    Steinbeck, John 287
    Steinway, Henry E. 287
    Stettinius, Edward 443
    Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von 97, 243
    Stevens, Cat (Yusuf Islam) 481
    Stevens, Chris 659
    Stimson, Henry Lewis 420
    Stone, Oliver 570
    Strassmann, Fritz 432
    Strauss, Levi 173, 287
    Strong, Josiah 266
    Studebaker, Henry 287
    Sturman, Reuben 579
    Stuyvesant, Peter (Petrus) 39f., 129
    Suharto, Hadji M. 743
    Summer, Donna 563
    Sundance Kid (Harry Alonzo S. Longabaugh, Harry Alonzo) 25, 167, 170–172, 569
    Surrat, Mary 216
    Swanson, Gloria 567
    Swift, Gustavus Franklin 175, 526
    Swope, Herbert 273f.
    Szilárd, Leó 432
    Taft, William 268
    Tall Texan (Kilpatrick, Ben) 170
    Tantawi, Mohammed Hussein 657
    Taylor, Frederick W. 303–305
    Taylor, Robert 568
    Taylor, Telford 456
    Tecumseh, Häuptling 121, 123, 131, 736
    Teller, Edward 432, 479, 486, 490, 517
    Teller, Henry M. 260
    Tenet, George 628
    Texas Jack Omuhundru 189f.
    Thatcher, Margaret H. 637
    Thayer, Charles 478
    Thorez, Maurice 449
    Thorton, William 83
    Tibbets, Paul 442
    Tilden, Samuel 325
    Tillich, Paul 407
    Tito, Josip Broz 449, 610f.
    Tocqueville, Alexis de 13, 60f., 67, 71f., 124, 137f., 198, 337–339, 584
    Togliatti, Palmiro 449
    Tojo, Hideki 424, 457
    Toole, John Kennedy 555
    Travolta, John 563
    Trotzki, Leo 373
    Trujillo Molina, Rafael L. 741
    Truman, Harry S. 277, 353, 369, 395, 436, 439, 441, 444–448, 458, 460f., 464–466, 468f., 473f., 478, 493, 495, 500, 603, 617, 654f.
    Trumbo, Dalton 721
    Trumbull, John 293
    Tschernajew, Anatoli 518
    Tschiang Kai-schek 411, 439, 461, 470, 741
    Tsuyoshi, Inukai 390
    Tucholsky, Kurt 529
    Tunstall, John

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