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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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warriors? No. They lay in their beds and shivered, no awareness in their eyes, crying out for friends and loved ones, their wits scattered to the winds." Joden stopped himself, and drew another deep breath. "No, I will not speak of it. Someday, I may sing it. But not today." Joden rubbed his face with both hands, to gather himself together. The tent remained silent. I wiped my eyes, and then clasped my hands tight in my lap.
    After what seemed like forever, Joden continued. "I have prepared to become a Singer. And I have learned that a true Singer sings the truth. A Singer must not be swayed by friendship or loyalties or the opinions of others. A Singer must sing the truth as he sees it, with his own eyes." Joden drew a shuddering breath. "But as a Singer must stand against pressures from others, he must also stand from the pressure within. He must not be swayed by his own fears or sorrows." Essa gave Joden a half-smile and spoke. "That's a truth that cuts both ways. And not the easiest to under stand. Or recognize."
    "It is." Joden's lips pressed to a thin line as he pointed to Keir. "Keir dares much, and it is said that the skies favor the bold. But I fear that he goes too far too fast. The 'plague' has shown me that to combine the Plains and the Xyians is madness.
    "Yet," Joden looked at me now, his gaze steady. "How can I speak against the woman who saved so many, Simus included? Who gave herself over to what she thought would be degradation and abuse, to save her people?" He turned back to face the Elders. "My truth is this. I was torn by my own pain. Never again do I want to tend to so many dead."
    "So how say you now, Joden of the Hawk?" Wild Winds pressed, his voice soft contrast to Joden's.
    "What is your truth?"
    Joden lifted his head, to look at Iften, and then at Antas. Both men were tense, as if waiting for... something.
    But Joden looked away from them and focused on Wild Winds. "I would say this truth. Xylara, daughter of Xy, is a true Warprize of the Plains."
    I straightened in shock. I wasn't the only one. All around the tent, heads jerked in surprise. Even Keir looked stunned, and Simus . . . Simus just smiled.
    Antas was on his feet, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "This is your truth, Joden of the Hawk?" Joden faced him calmly. "We have forgotten our ways, in our reaction to the change she represents. Acceptance of Xyian ways has nothing to do with her confirmation as Warprize." He turned to Essa, and lifted a finger. "A Warprize must be discovered during the course of a battle, or on or near a battlefield. A Warprize must render aid to the Warlord or his men."
    Essa pushed out his lips, considering Joden's words.
    Joden continued, his voice ringing in the tent. "A Warprize must be attractive to a Warlord, must spark feelings of desire. The attraction between Warlord and Warprize is as the heat of the sun that shines in the height of summer."
    I sat, my eyes wide, and listened to the very explanation he'd given me in my stilltent, months ago.
    "Now, once a Warlord recognizes a potential Warprize, he must negotiate for the Warprize, making the best deal that he can." Joden turned his head to look at Keir. "Once he has done that, a Warprize must submit willingly to the Warlord, before witnesses of both their peoples. Then a Warprize is displayed to the Warlord's army. Upon their return to our lands, the confirmation ceremony is held before the Council of Elders."
    Joden looked at his feet. "A true Warprize brings change. Until just now, I'd forgotten, in our tradition there is no requirement that the Council accept those changes."
    He looked back at me, chagrined. "Xylara is a true Warprize, and this Council should confirm her as such." He drew a deep breath. "I do not know what will come of this, but I must speak the truth. I've seen the look in her eyes when she looks at Keir, and I know that she loves him. While Xyians do not love in public view, still the heat of their desire can be felt when they are together."
    "Even when they are kept apart!" Keekai added from her stool.
    The laughter around us was nervous, but it eased the tensions slightly. I blushed again, and risked a glance over at Keir, who stood there, looking pleased.
    But when I turned back, Antas was glaring at me, and his eyes were filled with hate. "Joden, you're a fool," he said. "This woman will kill us all. She will destroy our Plains with her ways! Think of what you are saying!"
    Joden's face flared with a rare fury. "I am

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