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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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cry out, as the sounds of swords clashing filled the air.
    "LARA!" Keir's voice sounded closer.
    "Stay down," Amyu hissed. She covered me with her own body.
    Relief flooded through me, at the same time that I realized what it must look like to the others. Keir's scream was now an incoherent roar. "Amyu, Keir will kill you!" I gasped.
    "The least of my worries," she whispered. I watched as she raised her dagger and made it look like she'd plunged it into my body.
    I heard Antas roar out in satisfaction.
    The rage was palpable, as bodies launched over us. I had the briefest glimpse of Iften and Gathering Storm, but I couldn't tell what was happening. I twisted under Amyu, getting to where I could see—
    In time to see Keir leap over the fire pit to land at my side.
    He landed like a cat, sleek and deadly, intent on his target. The light reflected on his two blades, and in his eyes. Amyu sucked in a breath, and I couldn't blame her for her terror. She got to her knees, ready to use the dagger to fend one of the blows.
    "Keir!" I cried, and his eyes flicked over to me, then flicked back to Amyu. He took a step, about to strike. But then his gaze returned to mine, and sanity flooded into their depths. "Lara." It sounded like a prayer, even as Keir sheathed one of his swords. He reached down to pull me to my feet. Amyu scrambled up as well.
    I'd thought that would stop the fighting, but it didn't. Chaos was all around us. Warrior fought warrior, Elder fought Elder. It was hard for me to make sense of it all. Keekai was running from her stool, down the tiers toward us.
    Rafe and Prest, Ander and Yveni were suddenly surrounding me. Rafe gave Amyu a grim look. "Couldn't do it, could you?"
    Amyu grimaced.
    "To the horses," Keir growled. "Get her out of here."
    "No," I protested, but Keir had already turned, and I could see Simus guarding his back, fending off two warrior-priests. Antas had attacked Essa, and—
    Wild Winds was fighting Gathering Storm.
    Warrior-priest against warrior-priest? I blinked, trying to understand, but there was no time. Prest grabbed my collar, and brought me around to face him. "Remember your lessons." I nodded. He released me and took the lead. Rafe was beside him, and Anders and Yveni were behind us. Amyu was next to me, dagger at the ready.
    "The Xyian lives!" Iften's voice boomed through the tent, and I winced at the attention focused on us. We'd barely cleared the firepits when we were pressed from all sides. Prest and Rafe stopped, and turned to form a line with Ander and Yveni. Keir plunged past them, caught my elbow, and we ran for the tent entrance. Amyu followed.
    Outside, warriors and horses milled about in confusion. Keir warbled, and four horses came running, his black and Greatheart among them.
    Battle cries came from behind us, and I turned to see warriors charging toward us, Iften in the lead. Amyu ran toward them, slashing with her dagger. The warriors stopped, preparing to cut her down. But Keekai came running out of the tent and attacked them behind, wielding two swords, and screaming in fury. Behind her were Ander and Yveni.
    As that group clashed more warriors came out, with no friend of ours in sight. I felt two hands at my waist and gasped as Keir tossed me onto Greatheart's back. Struggling for balance, I buried my hands in his mane
    "Go," Keir snapped, looking back toward the fray.
    "Not without you," I snapped right back, angry and terrified in an instant. Keir's head whipped around, and he looked up at me, his eyes so very blue. For a moment, time seemed to stop as he gave me a tight, wry smile. "Stay on, beloved."
    Keir reached out, and smacked Greatheart on the rump. "Flee!"
    Greatheart lurched in surprise.
    Caught by Greatheart's movement, all I could do was cling to his back. Keir had already turned, drawing his swords and running to aid Keekai and the others.
    Greatheart's muscles bunched under me, preparing to run. "No, Greatheart—" I tugged on his mane.
    "No, don't—"
    Greatheart leaped away, with several of the other horses who'd heard the command. A horse neighed in rage. In my confusion, I looked over my shoulder, hair and tears in my eyes, to see Keir's black horse, riderless and rearing, pawing the air, trumpeting its anger. I blinked, tossing my head to try to clear my eyes. For one long heartbeat, I looked back.
    The warriors were a mob now, a confusion of bodies and blades. Centered on one tall, dark-haired figure, fighting with two swords.

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