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Titel: Willpower Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Roy F. Baumeister
Vom Netzwerk:
Maner, E. Plant, D. Tice, L. Brewer, and B. Schmeichel, “Self-Control Relies on Glucose as a Limited Energy Source: Willpower Is More Than a Metaphor,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 92 (2007), 325–36. Also see C. N. DeWall, R. Baumeister, M. Gailliot, and J. Maner, “Depletion Makes the Heart Grow Less Helpful: Helping As a Function of Self-Regulatory Energy and Genetic Relatedness,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (2008): 1663–76.


    Acheson, Dean
    low self-esteem in
    peer pressure in
    shortened temporal horizon of
    withdrawal from
    see also alcoholism; smoking
    ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
    Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (Twain)
    advertising industry
    Aesop’s fables
    affect regulation
    Arab slave traders in
    cannibals in
    Congo River of
    Ituri rain forest of
    Lualaba River of
    Nile River of
    see also Stanley, Henry Morton
    in domestic violence
    sacred values needed by
    Ainslie, George
    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
    behavior monitoring in
    effectiveness of
    goal setting in
    group members of
    seeking higher power advised by
    social support offered by
    sponsors in
    12–step program of
    as warehousing
    hyperbolic discounting in
    peer pressure in
    professional treatment of
    restraints removed by
    and seeking higher power
    self-awareness and
    social support and
    Algonquin Round Table
    Allen, David
    alpha males
    Alzheimer’s disease
    self-awareness of
    anterior cingulate cortex
    Arab slave traders
    Ariely, Dan
    Arkansas, University of
    Armelagos, George
    artificial intelligence
    Association for Psychological Science, review panel
    attention control
    see also focus
    Augustine, Saint
    Austen, Jane
    authoritarian vs. authoritative parenting style
    automatic mental processes
    Ayres, Ian

    baby boomers
    Baldwin, Alec
    Baldwin, Mark
    Bandura, Albert
    “barbecue law”
    Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, The (Chua)
    Baucom, Don
    behavioral economists
    behavior monitoring
    in AA
    benefits of
    brain scans in
    in child rearing
    commitment contracts in
    comparisons with others in
    by computer
    in dieting
    energy required for
    past vs. future gains in
    public vs. private
    in religion
    self-quantification in
    short-term vs. long-term goals in
    of spending
    of Trollope
    see also self-awareness
    Belissent, Jacques
    Bem, Daryl
    Benchley, Robert
    Ben-Gurion University
    Berlin, University of
    Beyond Freedom and Dignity (Skinner)
    Bickel, Warren
    Big Sleep, The (Chandler)
    binge eating
    binge writing
    Blaine, David
    between-stunts mode of
    endurance feats of
    goal setting of
    toughest feat of
    training of
    Blige, Mary J.
    BodyMedia armband
    Boice, Bob
    amygdala of
    anterior cingulate cortex of
    evolution of
    frontal lobes of
    glucose as fuel of
    insula region of
    neurotransmitters in
    nucleus accumbens of
    overall energy use of
    brain scans
    Branden, Nathaniel
    breath holding, world record for
    bridal registry experiments
    bright-line rules
    British nannies
    as incubation
    Brunton, Mary
    Buehler, Roger
    Bush, George W.

    Caesar, Julius
    electricity usage in
    self-esteem task force of
    California, University of, at Berkeley
    Canada, commune in
    car dealerships
    Carey, Drew
    Carnegie, Dale
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Carroll, Deborah (Nanny Deb)
    Carver, Charles
    Case Western University
    Chandler, Raymond
    Chandon, Pierre
    Chao, Ruth
    character building
    character strengths
    Chekhov, Anton
    Cheng, Ken
    Chernev, Alexander
    Chicago, University of
    child rearing
    authoritarian vs. authoritative
    behavior monitoring in
    by British nannies
    consistency in
    financial rewards in
    narcissism produced by
    parental discipline in
    playing games in
    public disciplining in
    punishment in
    rewards for achievement in
    self-esteem movement in
    setting rules in
    in single-parent homes
    willpower-strengthening exercises in
    of absent fathers
    deaths of
    in marshmallow experiment
    religiously devout
    young, high self-esteem of
    self-awareness of
    Christakis, Nicholas
    Christian-Albrechts University
    Chua, Amy
    Civil War, U.S.
    Clapton (Clapton)
    Clapton, Conor
    Clapton, Eric
    Clinton, Bill
    cognitive-behavioral therapy
    cognitive misers
    cold war
    Columbia University
    comic books

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