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Titel: Willpower Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Roy F. Baumeister
Vom Netzwerk:
bones: See B. Wansink, Mindless Eating.
    233 underestimates of food volume: P. Chandon and N. Ordabayeva, “Supersize in 1D, Downsize in 3D: Effects of Spatial Dimensionality on Size Perceptions and Preferences,” Journal of Marketing Research (in press). For a look at an online experiment involving this effect, see J. Tierney, “How Supersizing Seduces,” TierneyLab, New York Times, December 5, 2008.
    235 on telling yourself you can have the treat later: N. L. Mead and V. M. Patrick, “In Praise of Putting Things Off: How Postponing Consumption Pleasures Facilitates Self-Control (manuscript submitted for publication).

    238 St. Augustine: Confessions, trans. R. S. Pine-Coffin (New York: Penguin Books, 1961), 169.
    239 German beeper study: See citation in Introduction notes.
    239 Dutch study: D. De Ridder, G. Lensvelt-Mulders, C. Finkenauer, F. M. Stok, and R. F. Baumeister, “Taking Stock of Self-Control: A Meta-Analysis of How Self-Control Affects a Wide Range of Behaviors” (submitted for publication in 2011).
    239 U.S. studies showing less stress: A. W. Crescioni, J. Ehrlinger, J. L. Alquist, K. E. Conlon, R. F. Baumeister, C. Schatschneider, and G. R. Dutton, “High Trait Self-Control Predicts Positive Health Behaviors and Success in Weight Loss,” Journal of Health Psychology (in press). This study contained a large data set and not all analyses are reported in the final version of the paper, but the relationship was clear.
    239 Cicero: “The Sixth Phillipic,” The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, trans. C. D. Yonge (London: George Bell & Sons, 1879), 119.
    239 Jonathan Edwards preached an entire sermon: “Procrastination; or, The Sin and Folly of Depending on Future Time,” The Works of President Edwards, vol. 5 (London: James Black & Son, 1817), 511.
    239 prevalence of procrastination: P. Steel, The Procrastination Equation (New York: Harper, 2011), 11, 67, 101.
    240 perfectionism and impulsiveness: P. Steel, “The Nature of Procrastination: A Meta-Analytic and Theoretical Review of Quintessential Self-Regulatory Failure,” Psychological Bulletin 133, no. 1 (January 2007): 67.
    241 Deadline Test: D. M. Tice and R. F. Baumeister, “Longitudinal Study of Procrastination, Performance, Stress, and Health: The Costs and Benefits of Dawdling,” Psychological Science 8 (1997): 454–58.
    248 Parkinson’s Law: C. N. Parkinson, Parkinson’s Law, or the Pursuit of Progress (London: John Murray, 1958), 4.
    250 The planning fallacy: R. Buehler, D. Griffin, and M. Ross, “Exploring the “Planning Fallacy”: Why People Underestimate Their Task Completion Times,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 67 (1994): 366–81.
    253 Dorothy Parker’s excuse: James Thurber, The Years with Ross (New York: HarperCollins, 2000), 19.
    253 Robert Benchley’s psychological principle: Robert Benchley, “How to Get Things Done,” The Benchley Roundup (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954), 5.
    254 Nothing Alternative: T. Hiney and F. MacShane, eds., The Raymond Chandler Papers: Selected Letters and Nonfiction, 1909–1959 (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2002), 104.
    255 software to block Internet access: http://macfreedom.com/ .
    256 monitoring of spending: Mint, http://www.mint.com/ ; Xpenser, http://xpenser.com/ ; TweetWhatYouSpend, http://www.tweetwhatyouspend.com/ .
    256 monitoring of computer usage: RescueTime, https://www.rescuetime.com/ ; Slife, http://www.slifeweb.com/ ; ManicTime, http://www.manictime.com/ .
    256 Quantified Self and Lifehacker: http://quantifiedself.com/ ; http://lifehacker.com/ .
    257 rewards in computer games: T. Chatfield, “7 Ways Games Reward the Brain,” TED Talk, TedGlobal 2010. See also his book Fun Inc.: Why Games Are the 21st Century’s Most Serious Business (London: Virgin Books, 2011).
    259 trends in free time: J. H. Ausubel and A. Grübler, “Working Less and Living Longer: Long-Term Trends in Working Times and Time Budgets,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 50 (1995): 113–31 .
    259 “resource slack”: G. Zauberman and J. G. Lynch Jr., “Resource Slack and Propensity to Discount Delayed Investments of Time Versus Money,” Journal of Experimental Psychology 134, no. 1 (2005): 23–37.
    259 procrastinating pleasure: S. B. Shu and A. Gneezy, “Procrastination of Enjoyable Experiences,” Journal of Marketing Research (2010).
    260 willpower and altruism: M. Gailliot, R. Baumeister, C. N. DeWall, J.

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